Мы поддерживаем следующее заявление о солидарности с движением в защиту леса Вилауни.
Мы призываем всех людей доброй воли проявить солидарность с этим движением.
18 января в ходе крайнего милитаризованного рейда в лесу полиция Атланты застрелила человека. Это лишь последний случай из целой серии жестоких репрессий полиции против движения. Официальная версия гласит, что “Коп-сити” необходим, чтобы сделать Атланту “безопасной”, но это жестокое убийство показывает, что они имеют в виду под “безопасностью”.

В память о Мануэле Теране, также известном под именем Тортугита.
Леса - это лёгкие нашей планеты. Уничтожение лесов касается всех нас. Так же как и уплотнительная застройка и полицейское насилие, которым будет способствовать вырубка леса Вилауни. То, что происходит в Атланте, является не только локальной проблемой.
Политики, поддерживающие “Коп Сити”, пытаются дискредитировать защитников леса как “засланных казачков”. Эта клевета имеет позорную историю на Юге, где власти использовали её, в частности, против аболиционисто_к, рабочих-организаторо_к и движения за гражданские права. Цель тех, кто распространяет этот нарратив, - лишить солидарности и изолировать сообщества друг от друга, создавая предлог для привлечения государственных и федеральных сил, которые на самом деле и являются “засланными казачками”. Последствия этой стратегии в полной мере проявились в трагедии 18 января.
Замена леса полицейским учебным центром приведёт лишь к созданию более жестокого полицейского общества, в котором ресурсы налогоплательщиков обогащают полицейские и оружейные компании вместо того, чтобы решать социальные проблемы. Массовое тюремное заключение и милитаризация полиции не смогли снизить уровень преступности или улучшить условия жизни бедных слоёв населения и рабочего класса.
В Атланте и по всей территории США инвестиции в полицейские бюджеты идут в ущерб доступу к питанию, образованию, уходу за детьми и здравоохранению, доступному и стабильному жилью, паркам и общественным местам, транспорту и свободному передвижению людей, экономической стабильности для многих. Концентрация ресурсов в руках полиции служит для защиты экстремального накопления богатства и власти корпорациями и очень богатыми людьми.
Что делают полицейские с их увеличенным бюджетом и карт-бланшем от политиков? Они убивают людей, каждый божий день. Они лишают свободы и травмируют школьников, родителей, близких, которые просто борются за выживание. Мы не должны мириться с обществом, построенным на ценностях насилия, расизма, жадности и безразличия к жизни.
Борьба, которая разворачивается в Атланте, - это борьба за будущее. По мере того, как катастрофические последствия изменения климата обрушиваются на нас ураганами, волнами жары и лесными пожарами, ставки в этом соревновании ясны как никогда. Оно определит, унаследуют ли те, кто придёт после нас, пригодную для жизни Землю или кошмар полицейского государства. Именно от нас зависит создание мирного общества, в котором человеческая жизнь не будет рассматриваться как расходный материал.
Защитники леса пытаются создать лучший мир для всех нас. Поддержать их - это наша обязанность перед жителями Атланты и будущими поколениями во всем мире.
Вот несколько способов поддержать защиту леса в Атланте:
- Пожертвовать в Фонд солидарности Атланты, чтобы поддержать судебные издержки арестованных протестующих и текущие судебные действия.
- Призвать инвесторов проекта отказаться от участия в проекте Cop City (список инвесторов APF). Призвать строителей проекта отказаться от контрактов на строительство.
- Организуйте фонды политической солидарности, фонды защиты леса и комитеты защиты леса там, где вы живете.
- Организуйте или участвуйте в местных акциях солидарности.
- Одобрите и распространите это заявление солидарности.
Чтобы подписать это заявление, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с defendweelaunee@riseup.net. Этот список будет регулярно обновляться.
- Rainforest Action Network
- Critical Resistance (National, based in Oakland, CA)
- CODEPINK (Global)
- Rising Tide North America
- Wild Idaho Rising Tide
- Siskiyou Rising Tide (OR)
- Rising Tide Portland (OR)
- Rising Tide Chicago (IL)
- Diablo Rising Tide
- 350.org National
- 350 Eugene (OR)
- 350 PDX (Portland, OR)
- 350 New Hampshire Action
- 350 CT (CT)
- 350 Brooklyn (Brooklyn, NY)
- 350 Bay Area (Bay Area, CA)
- 350 Seattle (WA)
- 350 Massachusetts (Massachusetts)
- 350 Chicago (Chicago)
- 350 Hawaii (Hawaii)
- Degrowth.info Collective (International)
- Degrowth Collective (Toronto)
- Showing Up For Racial Justice (SURJ)
- Showing Up for Racial Justice (Tucson, AZ)
- SURJ Marin (Marin County, California)
- Communities United Against Police Brutality (Minneapolis, MN)
- Vallejo for Racial Justice
- National Lawyers Guild
- National Lawyers Guild Mass Incarceration Committee
- National Lawyers Guild Mass Defense Committee
- National Lawyers Guild Bay Area Chapter (San Francisco, CA)
- National Lawyers Guild Detroit & Michigan Chapter
- National Lawyers Guild District of Columbia Chapter (Washington, DC)
- National Lawyers Guild Minnesota Chapter
- National Lawyers Guild Vermont Chapter
- National Lawyers Guild Chicago (Chicago, IL)
- Water Protector Legal Collective
- No More Deaths / No Más Muertes
- Spirit of May 28
- Democratic Socialists of America - Atlanta (Georgia)
- Democratic Socialists of America - Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Democratic Socialists of America - Portland, OR chapter
- Democratic Socialists of America- Santa Cruz chapter (Santa Cruz, CA)
- South Jersey Democratic Socialists of America
- Savannah Democratic Socialists of America (Georgia)
- Birmingham Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) (AL)
- Lower Hudson Valley Democratic Socialists of America
- Seattle Democratic Socialists of America (WA)
- Pasco-Hernando DSA (FL)
- Boston DSA (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Williams College Young Democratic Socialists of America (Williamstown, MA)
- Monroe Community College Youth Democratic Socialists of America (NY) (Rochester, NY)
- University of Minnesota Duluth YDSA (Duluth, Minnesota)
- Marxist Unity Group - DSA
- Capital District DSA (Capital Region, NY)
- Democratic Socialists of America - Richmond (Richmond, VA)
- Milwaukee Democratic Socialists of America (Milwaukee, WI)
- Madison Area DSA (Madison, WI)
- Capital District Socialist Party (Albany, NY)
- ShutDownDC (Washington, DC)
- Center for Grassroots Organizing (VT)
- Climate Disobedience Center
- IkiyA Collective (Indian Territory, Oklahoma)
- The Indigenous Anarchist Federation / Federación Anarquista Indigéna
- Des Moines Black Liberation Movement (Des Moines, Iowa)
- Triad Abolition Project (Winston-Salem/Greensboro, NC)
- Fish Holler Forest Farm (Cumberland, MD)
- Soul Fire Farm (Grafton, NY)
- Flanner House Farms (Indianapolis, IN)
- Feed the People Farms (Georgia)
- National Extinction Rebellion XRUS (chapters across US)
- Extinction Rebellion Australia (Sydney, Australia)
- Extinction Rebellion Justice Eugene (Eugene, Oregon)
- Extinction Rebellion Boston (Boston, MA)
- Extinction Rebellion Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)
- Extinction Rebellion Delaware (New Castle, DE)
- Extinction Rebellion Bloomington (IN)
- Extinction Rebellion (Portland, OR)
- Extinction Rebellion New York
- Extinction Rebellion NYC (New York City)
- No Coal No Gas (NH)
- Cascadia Forest Defenders
- Atlanta Antifascists (Atlanta, GA)
- Atlanta Community Press Collective
- Atlanta Justice Alliance (Atlanta, GA)
- People 4 The People (Atlanta, GA)
- Community Books (Stone Mountain, GA)
- Savannah Federation of Democratic Women (Savannah, GA)
- Savannah Against Cop City! (Georgia)
- Blue Mountains Biodiversity Project (OR)
- Willamette Valley Abolition Project (OR)
- October 22nd Alliance to End Homelessness (South Florida)
- Roanoke Peoples’ Power Network (Roanoke, VA)
- Sunrise Ann Arbor (MI)
- Sunrise Movement (Bowling Green, KY)
- Sunrise Hunterdon County (Hunterdon County, NJ, USA)
- Sunrise New Haven (New Haven, CT)
- Sunrise Movement Pittsburgh (PA)
- Sunrise PDX (Portland, OR)
- Sunrise Movement Boston (Boston, MA)
- Sunrise Movement Connecticut (Connecticut, USA)
- Sunrise Movement Morris County (Morris County, NJ)
- Green New Deal Virginia (Virginia)
- River City Climate Collective (St. Louis)
- Doctors for Global Health
- Bay Area Coalition for Headwaters (Berkeley, CA)
- Survival Resistance, (Atlanta, GA)
- Michigan Solidarity Bail Fund
- Decolonial Solidarity (Canada)
- Detroit Will Breathe (Detroit, MI)
- Mountain Area Abortion Doula Collective (NC)
- Charlotte Uprising (Charlotte, NC)
- Resurgens John Brown Gun Club (Atlanta, GA)
- Green Cove Defense Committee (Olympia, WA)
- Arm in Arm 4 Climate (Washington, DC)
- Human Rights Coalition (Philadelphia, PA)
- Oil and Gas Action Network (Oakland, CA)
- Solarpunk Surf Club (Lexington, KY)
- Just Transition Northwest Indiana (Indiana)
- Dirty South Right Watch
- East Tennessee Harm Reduction
- Autonomous Research Institute for Direct Democracy and Social Ecology
- Bay Area Anti-Repression Committee (Bay Area, CA)
- CrimethInc.
- PM Press
- On Our Own Authority! Publishing (Atlanta, GA)
- Rose City Antifa (Portland, OR)
- NJ Hate Watch
- Mutual Aid Disaster Relief
- Tilted Scales Collective
- Three Way Fight
- Burning River Anarchist Collective (Cleveland, OH)
- Green Mountain John Brown Gun Club (Vermont)
- Chicago Anti-Fascist Action
- Autonomies Collective
- Twin Cities Logistics Collective (MN)
- Tilted Scales Collective
- Semillas Collective (LA, NYC and Mexico)
- Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (Eugene, OR)
- Cheyenne River Grassroots Collective (Lakota Territory, aka so-called South Dakota)
- Filler Distro (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Certain Days (North America)
- NorCal Resist (Sacramento, CA)
- Queers Bash Back (Columbia, SC)
- Firestorm Books
- Florida Prisoner Solidarity
- Friend of a Friend NYC (Manhattan, NY)
- Friends Print Collective (Minneapolis, MN)
- Hellbender (Asheville, NC)
- Ill Will magazine
- Industrial Workers of the World Tallahassee
- Atlanta IWW GMB (Atlanta Metro Area, GA)
- Industrial Workers of the World Washington DC
- Northern New Jersey Industrial Workers of the World GMB (Paterson, NJ, USA)
- South Carolina IWW GMB
- It’s Going Down
- Black Powder Press
- Detritus Books
- Brown Recluse Zine Distro (Oakland, CA)
- Chicago Against Cop City (Chicago, IL)
- Colorado Springs Anti-Fascists (Colorado Springs, CO)
- Colorado Springs Peoples Coalition (Colorado Springs)
- Popular Organization Francisco Villa de Izquierda Independiente (Los Panchos) (Mexico)
- Ahuehuete.org (Mexico)
- Parque Comunitario Panul (La Florida, Chile)
- Red por la Defensa de la Precordillera (Santiago, Chile)
- Salvemos el santuario de Hualpén (Bio Bio, Chile)
- Coordinadora Territorial Wallpen (Bio Bio, Chile)
- Les Peuples Veulent/The Peoples Want
- Lundi Matin (France)
- Fridays for Future Flensburg (Germany)
- Black Mosquito (Germany)
- Montreal Anarchist Bookfair Collective
- Czech Anarchist Federation (afed.cz)
- A-ryhmä (Finland)
- The Blockade Australia Network
- Embros Theater (Athens, Greece)
- Void Network (Greece and worldwide)
- Support Earth (Greece)
- Copwatch (Greece)
- ZahedanStrong (Iran)
- Save the Hammarby Forest (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Bokkafé Angbett (Sweden)
- Anarkism.info (Sweden)
- Irregular Rhythm Asylum (Tokyo, Japan)
- North East Anarchist Group (UK)
- La Mer Monte, cycle d’écologie anticapitaliste, Marseille (France)
- Youth for Climate Justice (Slovenia)
- Graduate Employees Organization (GEO-3550) at the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI)
- Graduate Employees Organization, AFT Local 3550 (Ann Arbor, MI)
- Students Allied for Freedom and Equality (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- NYC Public Sector Rank and File (PSRF)
- Coffee with Comrades
- Tucson Bail Fund (AZ)
- Pride was a Riot (Sacramento, CA)
- The Lavender Angels
- Geoff Doner, Bureau of Power and Light Art Collective (Toronto, CA)
- Antimidia
- Asheville Anti-Racism (Asheville, NC)
- Clouded Mind
- The Fellowship of the Hellbound
- Minneapolis Against Cop City (Minneapolis, MN)
- Jax Veg Fest (Jacksonville, FL)
- Jersey Counter-Info Collective (NJ)
- North California Environment Protection Group (CA)
- Olympia Jail Support (Olympia, WA)
- Save the Meadows (Philadelphia, PA)
- Seitanic Jax (Jacksonville, FL)
- Soup For My Family (Atlanta, GA)
- Yanawana Herbolarios (San Antonio, TX)
- Yes We Cannibal art collective (Baton Rouge, LA)
- The People’s Media NYC
- The Healing Underground
- Mergoat Magazine (Knoxville, TN)
- Margot Land Design (Knoxville, TN)
- Michigan General Defense Committee
- Dirty Hands Collective
- Distribuidora Anarquista Polaris (Galicia, Spain)
- Manchester GMB (UK)
- Judith’s Dagger
- Washington Square Park Mutual Aid (NYC)
- subMedia
- Guerrilla Grafters
- Charis Books and More (Decatur, GA)
- Coven Intelligence Program
- Antidote Zine (antidotezine.com)
- Community Not Cages (Winona, MN)
- Agency Collective
- Charlotte John Brown Gun Club
- Solano Unity Network
- Seaside Sounds Club of Connecticut
- Illegibles (Poland)
- Street Medics Corpus Christi (TX)
- SAFE Boulder (Boulder, CO)
- Spill Paint Art Action Collective (Twin Cities, MN)
- Siskiyou Abolition Project (OR)
- Colombia Freedom Collective
- The Antifada Podcast
- Emergency Release (NY) emergencyrelease.org
- Iglesias Gardens (Philadelphia, PA)
- Workers Voice / La Voz de los Trabajadores
- Herban Bridge Allies (Bridgeport, CT)
- @OccupyWallStNYC
- Reale Justice Network (Kansas City, MO)
- Green and Red Podcast
- Anarchist Radio Relay League
- The Syrian Cantina (France)
- Edist.ro Project
- Recalcitrant Seeds
- Breach Collective (Eugene, OR)
- Emma Goldman Book Club (Dallas, TX)
- Drymifolia Collective (Cascadian Bioregion)
- Kolektiva
- Beautiful Days Press (Brooklyn, NY)
- Fifth Sun Project (Las Vegas, NV)
- Direct Action Drumline (San Diego, CA)
- FAMU SDS (Tallahassee, FL)
- Climate Justice Committee (Minneapolis, MN)
- Crooked River Anarchist Distro (Cleveland, OH)
- Usufruct Collective International
- Sound Off: Music for Bail (New York, NY)
- Osterholzsoli (Wuppertal)
- Bvlbancha Liberation Radio (New Orleans, LA)
- Federation of Cascadian Anarchists and Syndicalists
- Progress for Science (Los Angeles, CA)
- Arboretum Detroit (Detroit, MI)
- Mayakov+sky Platform (Oakland, CA)
- Miami Valley Abolitionists (Dayton, Ohio)
- Occupy Biden (Greenville, DE)
- FTP DISTRO (Washington, DC)
- Taller Ahuehuete
- Crooked Moon Solidarity Space (Occupied Chinook Territory)
- Grassroots 2 Global
- AFP (Anarhistična Fronta Posavje, Slovenia)
- MZPP (Youth for climate justice Brežice, Slovenia)
- Leinemasch BLEIBT (Hannover, Germany)
- REDCLT - Rad El Dub Community Land Trust (Lake Worth, Florida)
- Earth Neighborhood Productions
- @1000people1000trees
- Twin Cities Workers Defense Alliance (MN)
- San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (CA)
- Cop-Free AFSCME
- Socialist Rifle Association (National)
- Charlotte Metro Chapter of the Socialist Rifle Association (NC)
- Los Angeles Socialist Rifle Association
- Tennessee Socialist Rifle Association
- Canadian Socialist Rifle Association
- North Georgia SRA (ATL, GA)
- Triad NC Socialist Rifle Association (Unceded Haudenosaunee, Mohican, and Munsee Lenape Land)
- Upstate NY Socialist Rifle Association
- Rogue Climate (Southern Oregon)
- Radix Media
- Panic! In The Discord research collective (disbanded)
- Los Angeles Movement Advancing Socialism
- Puget Sound Prisoner Support (Seattle, WA)
- East Bay Prisoner Support (CA)
- People’s Health Sanctuary (Troy, NY)
- Get Lit Zine Distro (Boise, ID)
- Movement Rights / movementrights.org
- Animal Activism Mentorship
- Black Cats CPH (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- Progressive Global Commons
- People vs. Fossil Fuels (Washington, DC)
- Fossil Free Media (Washington, DC)
- Palm Beach County Environmental Coalition (FL)
- Gainesville-Area Action for Environmental Justice (Gainesville, FL)
- Sabal Trail Resistance (FL)
- Everglades Earth First! (FL)
- Earth First! Of Mastodon Valley (aka Hudson Valley, NY)
- Riot Act Books (Unceded Onondaga Territory (Binghamton, NY))
- Neurodivergent-U
- Boundless in Motion (Kritee Kanko) (CO)
- Rustbelt Abolition Radio (MI)
- Open Oversight Virginia (Richmond, VA)
- Police Free Penn (Philadelphia, PA)
- Salem Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (OR)
- Salem Food Not Bombs (OR)
- DC Food Not Bombs (Washington, DC)
- Jersey Shore Food Not Bombs (NJ)
- Kingston Food Not Bombs (NY)
- Food Not Bombs Memphis (Memphis, TN)
- Food Not Bombs - South Bend (IN)
- Lehigh Valley Food Not Bombs (Bethlehem, PA)
- Tallahassee Food Not Bombs (FL)
- Jedzenie Zamiast Bomb 2B (Food Not Bombs, Poland)
- Garden Anarchist Network (NJ)
- Soflaexit.com
- Black Lives Matter - South Bend (IN)
- Free Lexington (Lexington, KY)
- Bates Leftist Coalition (ME)
- End Solitary Santa Cruz County (CA)
- Red Hammer Sports Club (Occupied Kalapuya territory)
- Georgia Human Rights Clinic
- Remora House (Washington, DC)
- nolapeoplespage.raffle (New Orleans, LA)
- Lucy Parsons Knife and Gun Club (North Georgia)
- Lucy Parsons Knife and Gun Club (Atlanta)
- Slanted House (Arcata, CA)
- Workers Tap (Portland, OR)
- Serve The People Akron (Akron, OH)
- Tumultuous Ruin band (CA)
- Atlanta Youth Liberation Front (Atlanta, GA)
- DC Youth Liberation Front (DC)
- SouthWest Youth Liberation Front
- Municipal Adhesives
- Beads Against Fascism
- Judi’s Midnight Diner (Medford, OR)
- Big Idea Bookstore (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Northfield Against Line 3 (MN)
- Unity and Struggle (Atlanta, GA & New York City)
- Umpqua Watersheds (Roseburg, OR)
- Atlanta Peoples Power Assembly
- Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (Sweden, Denmark, Finland)
- Sly Badges Infoshop (Indianapolis, IN)
- Rise Up Printings (Springfield, MO)
- Woodbine NYC (Queens, NY)
- For the People - STL (Saint Louis, Missouri)
- For the People, Long Beach (Long Beach, California)
- Radical Anthropology Group (London, UK)
- Voices of VV (Solano County)
- Project Mayday (West Virginia)
- Indivisible Lumpkin (Dahlonega GA)
- Bookspace Columbus (Columbus, OH)
- Planting Resistance Collective (Homestead, Fl)
- Boise Mutual Aid (Boise, Idaho)
- Alleghenies Abolition (Central PA)
- Montclair Area Solidarity Network (Montclair, NJ)
- DCBC Zine (Orange County, California)
- Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement
- Allan Gardens Community Aid Collective (Toronto, ON)
- SoCal Antifa (Southern California)
- Ratzon: Center for Healing and Resistance (Pittsburgh, PA)
- White People 4 Black Lives / SURJ (Los Angeles, CA)
- Atl Bike Life (Atlanta, Ga)
- EAV Defends the Trees (Atlanta)
- Emergent Goods (Worldwide)
- Autonomy Recovery Self-Defense (Portland, OR)
- Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (North America)
- Ten Demands for Justice: The Road to Abolition
- The Enviro Show (Florence, MA)
- Toronto Against Fascism
- Terra Advocati
- Taller Libertario Alfredo López (Cuba)
- Burning Books (Buffalo, NY)
- PeaceWorks (Brunswick, Maine)
- Oakland Abolition and Solidarity (CA)
- Anarchist Initiative Ljubljana (APL-FAO, Slovenia)
- People’s Spark KC (MO)
- Promoting Enduring Peace
- Palestine Legal
- Zero Hour
- Northwest Community Bail Fund
- Left Voice
- OMAS GEGEN RECHTS Deutschland Bündnis
- Charlotte Revolutionary Study Group (NC)
- Tamarack Oakland (CA)
- Global Prison Abolition Coalition
- Oregon New Economy (ONE) Project (Portland, OR)
- Community Fridges Toronto (Toronto, Canada)
- No Jail Deaths (Tucson, Arizona)
- VIDAS NGO (Vega Baja, Puerto Rico Env)
- Pittsburgh Palestine Solidarity Committee (Pittsburgh)
- Negate City Zine Distro (Greensboro, NC)
- Real Food Media (Minneapolis, MN)
- HEARD Advocates (United States)
- Appalachians Against Pipelines (Appalachia)
- Fayetteville Police Accountability Community Taskforce (Fayetteville, NC)
- Promoting Enduring Peace (New Haven, CT)
- Wald statt Asphalt Bündnis (Germany)
- Pollinator Rare Plants
- Dirtbag Garden Club (Occupied Munsee Lenape Territory, so-called New York)
- Celebrate845 (Hudson Valley NY)
- Sober Rides Atlanta (Atlanta, GA)
- eco haus collective (North Georgia)
- avtonom.org (Russia)
- Tekoşîna Anarşîst (Rojava)
- MPower Change (New York, NY)
- Chicago Action Medical (Chicago)
- Bvlbancha Collective (Bvlbancha/New Orleans, LA)
- Queers Against Kremlin (Dnipro, Ukraine)
- Defund Newton Police (Newton, MA)
- Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action (Parkersburg, WV and Lowell, OH)
- Alternative Library (Bellingham, WA)
- VOCAL-NY Albany Chapter (Albany, NY)
- Social Justice Action Center (SJAC) (Portland, OR)
- Agroecology Research-Action Collective (US)
- Center for Biological Diversity (Tucson, AZ)
- Sane Energy Project (NY)
- Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
- International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu Jamal
- Coalition to Protect New York
- East River Park Action (NY)
- Our Revolution Massachusetts Climate/Trees as Public Good working group
- No North Brooklyn Pipeline Alliance (NY)
- Pittsburgh Labor Choir (PA)
- PARA (Vancouver, BC)
- Eco Owl Press (South Bend, IN)
- Carrboro Really Really Free Market (North Carolina)
- Institute for Anarchist Studies
- Stop the Sweeps Seattle (Seattle)
- Our Sacred Earth (Boulder, CO)
- Freedom, Inc. (Madison, WI)
- Amazon Watch (Traditional Ohlone, Muwekma, and Chochenyo lands)
- Fletcher Energy and Environment Club (The Fletcher School at Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts)
- Global Women’s Strike – US (Philadelphia, PA; Los Angeles & SF Bay Area, CA)
- Women of Color / Global Women’s Strike – US (Philadelphia, PA; Los Angeles, CA)
- US Prostitutes Collective (US PROS) (SF Bay Area)
- Payday men’s network – US (Philadelphia)
- Legal Action for Women – US (SF Bay Area)
- Every Mother is a Working Mother Network (Philadelphia, PA; Los Angeles, CA)
- Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala // Red en Solidaridad con el Pueblo de Guatemala (EEUU)
- Presente.org (National)
- Abuse Survivors Collective (North Carolina)
- Iowa Buffalo Rebellion Coalition (Ioway/Báxoje land)
- Bronx Climate Justice North (Bronx, NY)
- North Bronx Racial Justice (Bronx, NY)
- Institute for Policy Studies Climate Policy Program (Washington DC)
- Wall of Women (Denver)
- Freedom to Thrive (Portland, OR)
- Reclaim the Block (Minneapolis, MN)
- Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee-Milwaukee
- System Change Not Climate Change (North America)
- Feminist Bird Club
- Feminist Bird Club of Tucson (Tucson, AZ)
- The Trellis - Bloomington Cooperative Living (Bloomington, IN)
- Kinetic Communities
- Occupy Bergen County (Bergen County, New Jersey)
- Our Revolution Massachusetts Climate Justice group (Massachusetts)
- Carceral Tech Resistance Network (Portland, OR)
- Climate Hawks Vote (national)
- Guerrilla Intellectual University (USA)
- Dissenters (USA)
- Generation Ratify
- Hope Community Fridge (Chattanooga)
- Fight Toxic Prisons
- A-Radio Berlin
- Actrices et Acteurs des Temps Présents (Brussels, Belgium)
- Plant the Land (Gaza, Palestine)
- University of Arizona College of Law National Lawyers Guild Student Chapter
- Central Ohio Youth Liberation
- Freedom Road Socialist Organization
- Committee to Stop FBI Repression
- Sunrise Corvallis (OR)
- Boise Abolition Project
- 198 Methods
- Resiste!
- Scientist Rebellion Turtle Island
- Climate Justice Alliance
- No Detention Centers in Michigan
- NYC Jericho Amnesty Movement
- Center For A Stateless Society
- FossielVrij Nederland (Netherlands)
- Antifascist Music Alliance (Berlin, Germany)
- Robin Wood (Germany)
- Lincoln Ave Progressives
- Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (USA)
- Jews for Palestinian Right of Return (USA)
- Domestic Workers United (New York City)
- Madison Infoshop (Madison, WI)
- Madison Really Really Free Market (Madison, WI)
- Tufts Climate Action (Somerville, MA)
- Nuclear Information and Resource Service (“for a nuclear-free, carbon-free world”) (Takoma Park, MD)
- UVA Survivors (Charlottesville, VA)
- Labor for Palestine (USA)
- Brittlebush Distro (Inland Empire, Ca)
- Fridays for Future US (USA)
- Anti-Police Power Surrey (Surrey, BC)
- Food & Water Watch (Washington, DC)
- Against Bigotry, Responding with Action (Tujunga, California)
- Inland Empire Harm Reduction (Riverside, CA)
- People’s Justice Council (Birmingham, AL)
- Environmental Performance Agency (New York City, NY)
- VOICE Buffalo (Buffalo, NY)
- Free the People WNY (Buffalo, NY)
- Sextas Grietas Del Norte (US/Mexico)
- IVICA RUS (Croatia)
- Climate Families NYC (New York City)
- Stockholm Anarchist Bookfair (Stockholm, Sweden)
- Black Organizing Project (Oakland, CA)
- Private Equity Stakeholder Project
- Friends of Swazi Freedom (Worldwide)
- Fund The People New Orleans (New Orleans, LA)
- Sunrise Movement Kansas City (Kansas City, MO)
- Western Movement Assembly (California)
- Co–Star Astrology Society (New York, NY)
- Alternatives for Community and Environment (Roxbury, Boston, Massachusetts)
- Oil Change International (International)
- National Campaign for Police Free Schools (National)
- Great Falls Books Through Bars (Massachusetts)
- Collective98
- Anti-Police Power Surrey (Surrey, BC)
- You Matter (Atlanta, GA)
- Nattsvart Verkstad (Sweden)
- Freedom & Captivity (Maine)
- Peace Collective (California)
- Outlive Them NYC (NYC)
- Center for International Environmental Law (US/International)
- Cienfuegos Cooperative (Miami, Florida)
- Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition (Detroit, MI)
- The John Cornyn Houston Office Protest (Houston, TX)
- Central Ohio Revolutionary Socialists (Columbus, Ohio)
- National Police Accountability Project
- Charles H. Kerr Publishing Company
- Partisan Gardens - WFHB
- Agência de Notícias Anarquistas-ANA (Brasil)
- Care Not Cages (Bloomington)
- Labor For Palestine (USA)
- 31 Red LLC (Plano, TX)
- Smugtown Mushrooms (Rochester, New York)
Individual Endorsements
- Noam Chomsky
- Starhawk
- Rev. Seth Wispelwey (Tucson, AZ)
- Rev. Alan Dicken (Cincinnati, OH)
- Rev. Anne Dunlap
- Rev. Chava Redonnet (Rochester, NY)
- Rev. Cecil Charles Prescod (Portland, OR)
- Allan Antliff (Canada)
- Peter Linebaugh (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- Alan W Moore (Madrid, Spain)
- Dr. Alexander Dunlap (Oslo, Norway)
- Tatiana Seryán
- Sumi Hasegawa
- Payton McDonald, Elements of Mutual Aid
- Leah Ayer, Elements of Mutual Aid
- Josh Fox, director of Awake, A Dream from Standing Rock
- Natasha Lennard (NY)
- Shane Burley
- Joshua Potash
- Andrew Culp (Los Angeles, CA)
- Panagioti Tsolkas (Lake Worth, FL)
- Vicky Osterweil
- Cindy Barukh Milstein
- Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore (Seattle, WA)
- Kevin Carson (Winslow, AR)
- No Bonzo
- Donna Oblongata (Philadelphia, PA)
- Scott Campbell
- Barbara Wendeborn Brandom
- Victor Wallis, author of “Red-Green Revolution”
- Wesley Scott
- Daniel McGowan (New York)
- Charis Circle (Georgia)
- Adam Horowitz (Decatur, GA)
- Lib Aubuchon (Southside Atlanta)
- Madison Green (Atlanta, GA)
- Charlie Mackey (Atlanta, GA)
- Lara Freedman (Atlanta, GA)
- Cindi (Marietta, Georgia)
- Sarai Turner (Decatur, Georgia)
- Glenn Carroll (Decatur, GA)
- Nicole Roos (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Ziggy Bleau (Atlanta, Georgia)
- K’Ann Parchment (Decatur, Georgia)
- Robert Evans (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Destiney Dempsey (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Isabel Coyle (Decatur, Georgia)
- Dawn B. Jones (East Point, Georgia)
- Lisa Magee (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Ellen Gebre (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Alison Ross (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Isabel Elmore (Alpharetta, Georgia)
- Claire Wilkins (Dallas, GA)
- Seth Maurizzio (Powder Springs, GA)
- Kat Gomez (Atlanta, GA)
- Emma Marzullo (Athens, GA)
- Eden Taylor (Athens, GA)
- Arabella Reddish (Marietta GA)
- Jill Calderon (Atlanta, GA)
- Sandy Barrett (Douglasville, GA)
- Chase Harvey (Atlanta, GA)
- Joely Barrios (Decatur, GA)
- E.R. Anderson (Decatur, GA)
- Timothy Jouet (Atlanta, GA)
- Ralph Macdonald (Decatur, Georgia)
- Lisa Jouet (Atlanta, GA)
- Christopher Brannen (Atlanta, GA)
- Adrienne Carey Hurley
- Andrew Hinz (Baltimore, MD)
- Andrew Zonneveld (Atlanta, GA)
- Patrick Farnsworth, host of Last Born In The Wilderness
- caitlin manning (San Francisco, CA)
- Anonymous comrades from Pellice, Infernotto, Susa valleys (Piedmont, Italy)
- Beth Foss
- Daniel Fischer
- Jarrod Shanahan
- Jules Bentley (Athens, Greece)
- Lauren Sobchak (Kansas City, MO)
- Merrie M Kelly, Oregon Insurance Lady (OR)
- Nix Makoff (Chicago, IL)
- Ray Gorlin
- Robert Lee (Tallahassee, FL)
- Ryan Deitsch (Parkland, Florida)
- Timothy Cominghay
- Tess Moschetta
- Frankie Baker
- Alisha Bicknell
- Andi Smith
- Joshua Robinson (Edwardsville, IL)
- John Johnson (Knoxville, TN)
- Charli Ash
- Chris de Ocejo (Holyoke, MA)
- Caleb Wexler
- Jeff Clark (Ypsilanti, MI)
- Megan Rosner (Roswell, GA)
- Lane Phillips (Omaha, NE)
- Margaretha Haughwout
- Oliver Kellhammer
- Keyanna Jones
- Jerrod Moore
- L.A. Kearns (Decatur, GA)
- Medusa & Waffles (Atlanta, GA)
- Ricky Maddix
- Kelly Hayes, Lifted Voices (Chicago, IL)
- Nicholas Isom (Atlanta, GA)
- Anna Harrison (Mableton, GA)
- John Leslie, Mid-Atlantic Workers’ Voice (Philadelphia, PA)
- Michael Schreiber (Philadelphia, PA)
- Timothy Eugene White Aiken
- Jerome Jackson (Silver Spring, MD)
- Ricardo Levins Morales (MN)
- Karly Scott (OR)
- Clayton Trumbull
- Gibson
- Rachel Arney
- Ben Ritter
- Erin
- Ashley Pollard
- Jenn P. (Roanoke, VA)
- Jay Ulfelder
- Peter Lubbs
- Kendall Hayes
- Arthur Fonseca (Picuris Puebla, NM)
- Joseph Albernaz (NY)
- Lateef McLeod (Oakland, CA)
- Deanville Celestine
- Liana
- Astro Rys (Brooklyn NY)
- Treye K. (Boise, ID)
- Sara M. (Athens, GA)
- Guillermo Kuhl (Forsyth Co, GA)
- David Carter
- Allyson Ngyuen (GA)
- Emily Heineman (Auburn, AL)
- Alex Davies (PA)
- Jenipher Jones Bonino, A People’s Law Office (Denver, CO)
- Melissa Bonaccorso (Hadley, MA)
- Primrose Harm Reduction (Austin, TX)
- Kati Hinman (Philadelphia, PA)
- Lauryn-Elizaveth Dewberry (Pell City, AL)
- Alexandria Dennis
- Twisha (Atlanta, GA)
- Alice Choup (Huntsville, AL)
- Rae Kurland (Brooklyn, NY)
- Shannon Mardis (Hillsboro, OR)
- Wendy White (Boulder, CO)
- Rachel Crew Sylvester
- Suzanne Weir Brault (MD)
- Amber S. (Atlanta, GA)
- Sally Weltner (Baltimore, MD)
- Lydia (Atlanta, GA)
- Spencer (Atlanta, GA)
- Jada Ackley (Philadelphia,PA)
- Cristina Murphy (Fulton County, GA)
- Emily Contract (Columbia, SC)
- Kyle Krakow
- Jordan (Arcata, CA)
- Lauren Rosen (Detroit, MI)
- Heather Paulson (Minnesota, MN)
- Ryan Bingham (St. Louis, MO)
- E Berry (Jacksonville, FL)
- Hazel (Atlanta, GA)
- Peter Clavin (NJ)
- J Hallie Roberts (Dexter, Oregon)
- Julio César Ramírez
- Connie Li
- Amy Harris (CT)
- Reva, Andrew, Friend Russell English (Lexington, KY)
- Leon Elcock
- Mollie Greenough (Kennewick, WA)
- Seth M (Occupied Kumeyaay Land)
- Emma Armbruster (St. Louis, MO)
- Ziggy Berkoff (Tualatin, OR)
- Zola (Montreal, CA)
- Alyssa Doyley
- Lindsey P. (SC)
- Benji Hart (Chicago, IL)
- Solanum Carolinensis (Atlanta, GA)
- Natalie (Burbank, CA)
- Megan (Arlington, VA)
- LOKI (Montreal)
- Diana Eaves
- Kavi Duvvoori (Ontario)
- Nick Shillingford, Host - Socialist News and Views Podcast (Minneapolis MN)
- Dean Spade (Seattle, WA)
- Jess Dillard-Wright (Springfield, MA)
- Bigg Chief (Stone Mountain, GA)
- Taylor
- Sam (New York, NY)
- Tina McKim (Seattle, WA)
- Aimee Dandrea (Ohlone Territory)
- Ellen Taylor, Lost Coast League Chairperson (Petrolia, CA)
- Jacqui Zeng (Chicago, IL)
- Darlene Neal (Murfreesboro, TN)
- Carlina Green (San Francisco, CA)
- Max Granger
- Jessica McCollum (Spokane, WA)
- Mariah Parker (Atlanta, GA)
- Adrian Glover (Decatur, GA)
- Chris Bolus (Detroit, MI)
- Hannah Davis (VA)
- Karpani Burns (Arcata, CA)
- Flynn Hibbs (MT)
- Yvonne Yen Liu (Los Angeles, CA)
- Wyatt Reeves
- Connor Warmuth (Marietta, GA)
- David Angel (Bristol, UK)
- Gussie
- Sara Ysen (CA)
- stanley wolukau-wanambwa (Providence, RI)
- Rachel Gunter (NYC)
- Edgardo Delgado (Mayaguez, Puerto Rico)
- Ava B. (Boston, MA)
- Michael Harris (CT)
- Alyssa Landa (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Lucy K. (New York, NY)
- Jack B. Duffy (CT)
- Sophie Lewis
- Liet Borowski (so-called Canada)
- Gaia Sartori Pallotta (Milan, ITALY)
- Luca Passafaro (Milan, ITALY)
- Justin Seda
- Evan B. (Washington)
- Tom Anderson (Occupied Ohlone Territory)
- Bee (Atlanta, GA)
- Berj Alexanian (Decatur, GA)
- DJ (Kansas City, MO)
- Derrick Beining (30308)
- Cate Hall (Ventura, CA)
- Lorie Fincik (Pennsylvania)
- Andrew (Dallas)
- Anthony B (Atlanta, GA)
- MJR (Middletown, CT)
- McKenna Vanhorn (Jesup, GA))
- Evan Murphy
- Erica (Taiwan)
- Kristen Doty (Brooklyn, NY)
- Ella Edelstein
- Abe Drayton
- Rowan Cheyne
- Avril Marx (Chicagoland, IL)
- Aubréy Bang-Guérin (Paris, France)
- Deb Malkin
- Hillary McInerny
- Emma Wusi
- Renee Myers (Missouri)
- Sylvia Shriner (Washington)
- Katherine Pina (Arlington, TX)
- Eluned Li
- Grace (Oregon)
- Alan L. Stewart (Olympia, Washington)
- Evalla (Oregon)
- Stephanie B (Connecticut)
- Remy Rose Way (Montgomery County, Pennsylvania)
- Diane Falkowski
- Pamelaj Paro (Portland, OR)
- Sommer Anderson (Richmond, VA)
- Jennifer K. Falcon, ikiyA Collective (San Antonio, TX)
- C. Anderson (Decatur, Georgia)
- Felecia Phillips (Alabama)
- Evan Bode (Syracuse, NY)
- Justianna (Georgia)
- Trisha Pahawa (Marietta, Georgia)
- Thomas Kopp, Nashville Antifascist (Nashville, TN)
- Laurel Kearns (New Jersey)
- Joanne Lavine (Oklahoma City, OK)
- RJ Murray (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Aleksandra Belotserkovskaya (Atlanta, GA)
- Tori (Bay Area, CA)
- Hector Vera (CA)
- Stephanie Winfree
- Will Pruett (Decatur, GA)
- Simone Scott (Richmond, VA)
- Todd Eaton (Brooklyn, NY)
- Chanan Suarez (Flagstaff, Arizona)
- T.W. Collins (Upstate NY, “but Atlanta is my hometown”)
- Kaisa (Boston, MA/Atlanta, GA)
- Maya Rae Miller (Boston, MA)
- Dove ER* (Occupied Piscataway and Susquehannock land (so-called “Baltimore”))
- Cara Sanford (Marietta, GA)
- Brett King (Grundy, Tennessee)
- Doreen Stewart (TN)
- Savannah Markham
- Faye Ecklar (Decatur, GA)
- Kat Wolfram (NY)
- Nate Wendt (SD)
- Sarah Cuk
- Lillian Allen (Illinois River Valley)
- Michael Hessel-Mial (College Station, TX)
- Phoebe Weseley (FL)
- Anna Stevens (Atlanta, GA)
- Brendan Wissinger (Mount Union, PA)
- Philadelphia Housing Action (Philadelphia, PA)
- Steve Leigh (Seattle, Wa)
- Cutte: The Transfeminine Trainwreck (WA)
- Jenny Hubbard (Soquel, CA)
- Johnny Joestar (Upstate New York)
- Clare (Atlanta, GA)
- Alexandra Mastorakis (Atlanta, GA)
- Bloc from the Block (New York)
- December Lee (NYC)
- Lupita (Atlanta, GA)
- Maria Low (WI)
- Morgan Waite (DC)
- rebecca
- 庖丁 (Chikashsha I̠yaakni)
- Leslie Dreyer (Durham, NC)
- Kay Whitlock (Missoula, MT)
- Anita Duvall (IN)
- Nick M (Athens, GA)
- Harpreet Chima (Stockton, CA)
- Lee Abidakun (Canada)
- Sebastian Sean Crow (TX)
- Hunter (MI)
- Will Voss (Champaign, IL)
- Jacqueline Reed (IL)
- Erin McNalley (Encinitas, CA)
- Caroline Hallman (CA)
- Br Scott Michael Pomerenk BSG (CO)
- Ruth Boyajian (Atlanta, GA)
- Jody Wynn Rodiger (Hartford, CT)
- Maria Caicedo (NYS)
- Jake Krakovsky
- Matthew Owcarz
- Redowl.org: Fynn (Baltimore, MD)
- Paula Guthat (Detroit, MI)
- Nicolette Hook (Atlanta, GA)
- Vanessa Montijo (San Diego, CA)
- Yaira Matos (Boston, MA)
- Irene Domingo (St Paul, MN)
- Gavin Healy (San Francisco, CA)
- Cydnii Wilde Harris (Atlanta, GA)
- Patrick Derilus (Brooklyn, NY)
- Gitz Crazyboy (Treaty 7 Territory)
- Kathryn F (VA)
- Heather Hale (Atlanta, GA)
- Julz (Atlanta, GA)
- Jen Willsea
- Barry Zhang
- Mariska Harshbarger
- Niko Johnson-Fuller (Champaign, IL)
- Alina Rose (Atlanta, GA)
- Muireall Brown (Portland, Oregon)
- Catherine Kiley Glass (Warner Robins, GA)
- Peter Stedman
- Michael Jason Daly (Clarkston, GA)
- Maddie Thomson Crossman (Jackson, ME)
- Cyndia Hunnicutt
- Michelle Kweder (Brunswick, ME)
- M Cathy Harmon-Christian, PhD
- Bart Heath (Newburgh, IN)
- Julian McDaniel (East TN)
- Sean McCaffery (Charlotte, NC)
- Michael Bennett Smith (Atlanta, GA)
- Hailey DeWolf (Indianapolis, IN)
- Kathryn Silverstein (Portland, ME)
- Aivy Vu
- Erin (Atlanta, GA)
- Stephanie Ellis
- Elizabeth King (Chicago, IL)
- Bridget Kitson (Boise, ID)
- Luke Otwell (Atlanta, GA)
- Faith Coffman
- Bria Goeller (San Francisco, CA)
- Greta B (Atlanta, GA)
- Michael Coard (Philadelphia, PA)
- Kyler Ferrill (Austin, TX)
- M. Martin (Birmingham, AL)
- Samuel Beaver (Tampa, Fl)
- Basil (Occaneechee)
- aiko hamamoto (Chicago, IL)
- Hansen Hardin (Athens, GA)
- Maria (GA)
- Vani Natarajan (Brooklyn NY)
- Megan Ives (Denver)
- Jonas Berlin (California)
- Mary Doyle (New York City/Lenape land)
- Christel Loar (Eugene, OR USA)
- Nathalie (Asheville, NC)
- Robert Schneider
- Stephen C (Ohio)
- Joshua Higginbotham (Oklahoma City, OK)
- Rachael Chavez (California)
- Dylan Jarrell (North Carolina)
- Tareq Fayyad (Seattle)
- Chloe Jaques (WA)
- Sean Parson (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Kelli (Atlanta)
- anastasia (Geneva, NY)
- Netters (Los Angeles, CA)
- Madelyn Fetzko (Los Angeles)
- Fane (Indiana, USA)
- Teagan (CA)
- Nishant Mohan (Atlanta, GA)
- Becca Smith (Chicago)
- Octavia Washington (Brooklyn, NY)
- Edward Smith (Occupied Mascogo, Miccosukee, and Timucua territory)
- Brooke Bastinelli (Los Angeles)
- Elizabeth Schongar (Pennsylvania)
- J.A. Vasquez (Pittsburgh, PA - Las Vegas, NM)
- Mary H (Atlanta, GA)
- George Jackson (Port Angeles, WA)
- Deborah Elise White (Decatur, GA)
- Mikah C
- Carlos Gonzalez (Bloomingdale, FL)
- Jasper Knox (Missouri)
- Hunter McCray Wheeler (Morgantown, WV)
- Paul Ottaviano (mid-west)
- Jess I. (Atlanta, GA)
- Lee Gough (Esopus, NY)
- Trevor Leach (Asheville)
- Apple/CliffordTMcGriff (Atlanta)
- Melanie (Virginia)
- Journey Martin (Boston MA)
- Jami F (Atlanta, GA)
- Kai Lopez (Homestead, Fl)
- Cecelia Ruble (Minneapolis, MN)
- Shane Meyer
- Abi Hurland
- Jada Thompson (Chicago)
- Jhovan Murray (Atlanta,Ga)
- Shay Black (Ottawa)
- Steve (Atlanta)
- Tony P (NYC)
- Pauline St Denis (NYC)
- Lauren Bosley (UK)
- Pamela Skripak (Albany, NY)
- Maggie Lyn (Sweden)
- Lee Williams (Virginia)
- Bailey Bond-Trittipo (Miami, FL)
- Carolyn
- Jeanmarie Swiontkowski (NY)
- Kristin Hamilton (New Orleans)
- Mari Sage F.
- John Webster (Southern California)
- Mari Sage F. (Athens, GA)
- SJ Avery (Asheville, NC)
- Dean B (Blackpool, UK)
- Stephen Lett (Norman, OK)
- Garrett Davis
- T’ana Williams (Austell GA)
- Shuvu Bhattarai
- Vickie L (Atlanta, GA)
- Timera Bennett
- Maren Stephens
- Ima O
- Frances Yeager (Atlanta, GA)
- Mercii Thomas (Washington, DC)
- Jill Dimond (Ann Arbor, MI)
- Jason Venegas (TN)
- Peterson Silva (Florianópolis, Brazil)
- Elliott Bauer (Decatur, GA)
- Keely Quinn (Portland, OR)
- Free Jessica Reznicek
- Tyler (Columbus)
- Grace Goulson (Louisville, KY)
- Sam Harris (Atlanta, GA)
- Fosia N.
- Anna Rodriguez
- Danielle Gonzalez (Florida)
- Maraky A (Tonga & Chumash land (Los Angeles))
- Callie Arechiga (Decatur, GA)
- Sophia Spindel (Oakland, California)
- Leandra Lovejoy (Atlanta, GA)
- Han Kanzler (Orange County, California)
- dana balicki (Joshua Tree, CA)
- Devon Ingram
- Berkeley Barnhill Stewart (Arkansas)
- David Klein (Los Angeles, CA)
- Connie Totera (Pittsburgh PA)
- T. J. Demos (Santa Cruz, CA)
- Jenna Prosperi
- Mat Ross (Logan Township, NJ)
- Angela Mathis (Atlanta, GA)
- Katelyn Grimmett (Miami)
- Heather (Michigan)
- Dustin (Atlanta, GA)
- Aliyah Auerbach (Atlanta)
- Rachel Ogi (Chicago, IL)
- Elizabeth Wilkowski (Douglasville, GA)
- Pilar Maschi (NYC)
- Alyse Wheelock
- Avery Quinn (Olympia, WA)
- Seth (Sioux City, IA)
- Michael Almond (Marietta, GA)
- Graeme Shaw (Winnipeg, Canada)
- gayle dorothy (PNW)
- Sydney Advani Ernest (California)
- Pamela Yvette Cook (Atlanta, GA)
- Janet Anna (San Diego)
- Sarah Taylor (Atlanta, GA)
- Joseph J Balkis (IL)
- Izzy Esparza (Atlanta, GA)
- claire eggimann (scottsdale, az)
- Guadalupe Vazquez (Tempe, AZ)
- Kasey Page (San Francisco, CA)
- Aiden Harmon (Dallas, Georgia)
- Bat (Chicago)
- Michaela Wehner
- Ania Hornowski (Roscommon, Ireland)
- aubrianna sainz (arizona)
- Kennard Bonilla (Maryland)
- Jay B.
- Jonathan Pomboza (NYC)
- keri leigh merritt (Decatur, GA)
- florian haller (Munich)
- Kathl Stinson (Stone Mountain, GA)
- Nathan (Texas)
- Moss Lilith (Chattanooga, TN)
- Frankie Judy (Bay Area, CA)
- Harvey Holtz (Pittsburgh)
- Eliza Adelle Gorman (Athens, Ga)
- Grace Davies (Minneapolis, MN)
- Seth Marino Donnelly (Bay Area California)
- Brittney (Atlanta, GA)
- Shelby Lopez (Duluth, GA)
- Paul Till (Fishers, IN)
- Elizabeth Daniell (New York)
- Angela Marino Donnelly (Bay Area California)
- jack (Arizona)
- Yasser Munif
- Jess (Atlanta, GA)
- Jennifer Jewell (Toronto, Canada)
- azey wang (Council of Three Fires Territories (Chicago))
- Marta Jimenez (Atlanta, GA)
- Stuart Selig
- Meghan Smith (Atlanta, GA)
- Gabriella Marcarelli
- Marc Triller (Jersey City, NJ)
- Isaac Wayne (Cleveland, OH)
- Andrea (South Florida)
- Dr. Rebecca Hall (Cambridge, MA)
- Retta Sola (Atlanta, GA)
- Marissa (California)
- Skylar L (GA)
- Warren Wagner (Chicago, IL)
- Yasmeen Alfaqeeh (CA)
- Cayden
- Elise (Atlanta, GA)
- Brigette Gillespie (Stone Mountain, GA)
- Brooks Franklin (Otto, NC)
- Robin Isherwood (Santa Barbara, CA)
- Erik Kuranko (Bridgeport, CT)
- Megan Cencula (NY, NY)
- Katie W. (Woodstock, GA)
- Iz
- Bernie Eisenberg (Los Angeles)
- Juliet H (Davis, CA)
- Lila (Maryland)
- Nehemiah Blodget (Oreland, Pennsylvania)
- Cheyenne Turner
- Lori A Crockett (Winchester, VA)
- Kat Meyer-Reed (Decatur, GA)
- Taylor Tutt (Queens, NY)
- Barae Hirsch (Baltimore MD)
- Baltimore Jail Support (Baltimore MD)
- Phil Gasper (Madison, WI)
- Sierra Russell (Canandaigua, NY)
- Andrea Nasca (Bvlbancha)
- Scott Ritchie (Atlanta, GA)
- Joseph (VA)
- Oakley Weiler (Hershey, PA)
- erik agard (KCMO)
- Sumi Hasegawa (Canada)
- Georgia (Wisconsin)
- Ximena Stroubakis (Winchester Va)
- Ann Kennedy (Maine)
- Eve Wesson (Colorado)
- Daniel Mills (Iowa)
- Mark Miele (Alabama)
- Katy
- Karen Bray (Macon, GA)
- Kelsey Williams (Cartersville Ga)
- Aella Rose-Hill (Minneapolis, MN)
- Christian Noakes (Atlanta)
- Tenzin Yangzom (Boston, MA)
- Margaux Ratcliff (Atlanta, GA)
- Nan Nitecka (Wisconsin)
- Pipsqueak (Seattle, WA)
- Adryan Corcione
- Sacha MacLean (Ottawa, ON)
- Samuel Abels (Parkersburg, West Virginia)
- Katherine Cherry (Tucson, Arizona)
- Lauren Francis
- Rick (Bridgeport, CT)
- doug shaeffer (chicago)
- Emily Rodriguez
- Kylie Alexander (Kansas)
- Ryan Haberlein
- grace ferzely (Athens, Georgia)
- Jared Ware (Millennials Are Killing Capitalism) (Philadelphia)
- Jeanette Jordan (La Habra, CA)
- Leigh Ann Luscan (Richmond, VA)
- Sophia Jane Blankinship (Poughkeepsie, NY)
- Elli Rosa (Richmond VA)
- Kaylee (Crested Butte, CO)
- Alex L
- Jillian Murphy (Portland, OR)
- James Cooper (China, Maine)
- Alecia Wallingford (Tokyo/NY)
- Monique ortiz (NM)
- Jackie Morales (Stockton, CA)
- Lennie Wetmore (Occupied Oregon)
- Julianah Vernon (Nashville, TN)
- Omid Shekari (Pittsburgh)
- Josh Rohrer (California)
- Alyssa Leiva, Stockton Stands (Stockton, CA)
- Brittany McLaughlin (New Jersey)
- Nancy
- Zachary Janick (Atlanta, GA)
- Jodi Reeves (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Harmonie Coleman
- Ruth @Rooflesser (Los Angeles)
- Riley (PA)
- Mary K (Columbus, OH)
- Marina Szende (Seattle, WA)
- Dara Brown (Chicago)
- Brianna Joyce
- Jenny O’Connell (Brooklyn, NY)
- Mason
- Kara H (Atlanta, GA)
- rosza daniel lang/levitsky (nyc (occupied lenapehoking), NY)
- Elena (Los Angeles, CA)
- Meghan Keane Studio (NYC)
- J (Olympia, WA)
- Sarah (Tennessee)
- Emma (Atlanta)
- Judy Gutierrez
- Caitlin Kehler (Portland, Or)
- Rose City Radical (Portland, OR)
- Micaela Godfrey (Berlin, MA)
- June Levier (Topeka, KS)
- Grace Lane
- Riley Harrington (Prescott, AZ)
- Shiloh (Dayton, Ohio)
- Madeleine (Brooklyn, New York)
- Rose
- Zoey Laird (Decatur)
- Steve Schueth (Chicago, IL)
- Caroline Nixon (Athens, Ga)
- Pamela Brubaker (Bethlehem, PA)
- Thad Danielson (Conway, MA)
- Paul Reddy (Welwyn Garden City, England)
- Maissa Albourini (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Rye Butler-Corbett (Oregon)
- Kara W (GA)
- Alanna Morton (New York)
- Holly A Stovall (Macomb, IL)
- James M. Joyce (Louisville, KY)
- Logan Metzler (Nebraska)
- Malachy (Glasgow, Scotland)
- Zena Kocher (MN)
- Rebecca Quinn (Los Angeles, CA)
- Phil Runkel (Waukesha, WI)
- Cathy Cronin (Napanee, Ontario, Canada)
- Peter Koch (Woodstock, New York)
- Kevin Gallagher (Seattle, WA)
- Peg Coogan (Ithaca, New York)
- Richard Coogan (Ithaca, NY)
- Dee Grady (British Columbia, Canada)
- Rae Mariz (Stockholm, SE)
- Carolyn Sara Beckingham (Lewes, East Sussex, UK)
- gerhard zarbock (germany 34131)
- Banj (VA)
- Mr. Cristian J. Ramis (United Kingdom)
- Vicki Fox (New York)
- Elijah Mirman (Boston, MA)
- Annabel Sammons (Rochester, NY)
- Janice Stevenson (Asheville, NC)
- Christine (Ontario, Canada)
- Jake (Springfield, MA)
- Wendy L. Haaf (London, Ontario, Canada)
- Sandra Reischel (Washington, DC)
- Candace (MA)
- Diane
- Alice Symmes (Massachusetts)
- Joy Rosengarten (Merrick, NY)
- Omekah Edmondson (Raleigh, NC)
- Judy Katz (NY)
- John Liss LL.B. (Toronto Canada)
- Stephanie Bilenko (Illinois)
- Joseph (Arkansas)
- Sherah Faulkner (Chapel Hill, NC)
- Teal (Clarkston)
- Alessandra Nichols (Vermont)
- Mary Ann Viveros
- Paul O’Banion (Pacific Northwest)
- Linda Scherzinger
- Paul C. Garver (Acton MA)
- Michael Lucero (Charleston, SC)
- Bill Gawne, Jr. (North Riverside, IL)
- Eric Miller (Columbia, MD)
- Sherri J (Atlanta Metro)
- Audrey Chapman (Ireland)
- Kathleen McHendry (Massachusetts)
- Carrie Ferguson (Western MA)
- tracie ashe (new orleans, la)
- Ashley Shepherd (Denver, CO)
- Janet Smeltz (Needham, MA)
- Michelle B. (USA)
- Patricia Layden (Seattle, WA)
- Bjorn (Ohio)
- Angela
- Tadea Klein (Massachusetts)
- Cindy Sass (Omaha, NE)
- Mauricio Hollis
- Susanna H Miller (Virginia Beach)
- Arta Amiti (Hickory Hills, IL)
- Fiona Gregory (Athabasca, Alberta, Canada)
- Nick Kaye (Ormewood Park, Atlanta)
- Myles Robertson (Tallahassee, FL)
- Esther Seawell (Austin, TX)
- Emily Townley
- Joe Byars (Kalamazoo, MI)
- Andrew Wehrheim (West Allis/Milwaukee, WI)
- drew chafee (Tacoma, WA)
- Bailey (Minneapolis, MN)
- Max Moorhead (New York)
- Elissa Fultz (Los Angeles, CA)
- Summer (Berkeley, CA)
- Heather Carver (Portland, OR)
- Meera B.
- Alissa Azar
- Barbara Rahder
- Norma Field (Chicago, IL)
- Jessica Moskowitz (Atlanta, GA/Gwinnett County)
- Deborah Webb
- Stefan Christoff (Montreal/Tiohtià:ke)
- Emma Henkel
- Jonathan Nack, DSA* (*For identification purposes only)
- Sandra Cobb (Moreland Hills, OH)
- Brittany (California)
- Brandon Kalber (Atlanta, GA)
- Molly Hartnett (Berkeley, CA)
- Susan Garrison (St Louis, MO)
- Sierra Mckie (Atlanta, GA)
- Marguerite Pilger (Toronto, Canada)
- Leora Harris (New York, NY)
- Henry A Nelson (Wichita KS)
- Marcy Chen (Virginia)
- Zoe Webb (Atlanta, GA)
- Deborah Kahkejian (Williamstown NY)
- Stanley Williams (Atlanta, GA)
- Rebecca Schwarz (Vermont)
- Michael Czajkowski (Atlanta, GA)
- Olivia
- HP Lovesauce (Canada)
- Nora Privitera (California)
- Maddie Malone (Austin, Texas)
- Caleb Klipowicz (Iowa City, IA)
- April Woods (Anchorage, Alaska, USA)
- Levi Vonk (Washington, DC)
- Dan La Botz (Brooklyn, NY)
- Sebsatian Cadiz Garcia (So called “Georgia”)
- Jessica (Virginia)
- S. Temple Sullivan (Asheville, NC)
- Debra Reynolds Banting (Nova Scotia, Canada)
- Angela Hoehne (Bavaria, Germany)
- Stephen Oren (Chicago, IL)
- Judith Doane (San Francisco, CA)
- Liz Lundquist
- Peoples Cauldro (Cottekill, NY)
- Rebecca Brachmann (St Petersburg, FL)
- Greg C (Santa Ana, CA)
- Brenda Morgan
- Kirk Fast (Ozawkie)
- Diane DiFante (WV)
- Katie Siegmund
- Ellie Roman (Florida)
- Gigi McGaughey (London, United Kingdom)
- Douglas M Mason (Port Matilda, PA)
- Elizabeth Elliott (Columbus)
- Ivana Morris (AZ)
- Emily S
- Alexandra Rhoads (San Jose, CA)
- Laurel Kornfeld (Highland Park, NJ)
- Kate Morales (Atlanta)
- Leigh Fullmer (Utah)
- Hannah C (Boston, MA)
- Mira
- Susan (Astoria OR)
- Leslie Lomas (Colorado)
- Hannah Truelsen (New York)
- Janine Jones (Greensboro, North Carolina)
- Joshua Slade Maddox (Alpharetta Georgia)
- Rick Peterson (Portland, ME)
- Hurd Hess (Iowa)
- Keith Sosa (Phoenix, AZ)
- Noelle
- Jack Bellows (Atlanta, GA & Salt Lake City, UT)
- Elio
- Haley South (Alexandria, VA)
- Stephen R. Shalom (Montclair, NJ)
- Luna (Arizona)
- Robert Winston (Surrey, BC)
- Ruby Arnone (Minneapolis, MN)
- Nancy Holmstrom (NYC)
- Arlo Fitschen (Phoenix, AZ)
- Circe Wallace (California)
- Jan Bargen (Reliquias, Portugal)
- Chelsea Davidson (Tunnel Hill, Ga)
- Christiana Constantinou (Kentucky)
- Brendan O’Sullivan Olsen (Vancouver, BC)
- Fay Bracken (Apopka, Florida)
- Judy J. Kohnson (California)
- John Doucette (Pawtucket, Rhode Island)
- Michael Schmotzer (York PA)
- Steve Ongerth (cofounder, IWW Environmental Union Caucus) (Richmond, CA)
- Kat Wiseman (Charlotte, NC)
- Laura Sokoloski (New Hampshire)
- Sharon Anderson (Toronto, Canada)
- Amanda (WA)
- Lina F. (Claremont, N.H.)
- Neamhain Virtue (Portland, OR)
- Caroline Gihlstorf
- Jonathan Weintraub (British Columbia, Canada)
- Sueño Fugaz (Tongva (Los Angeles, CA))
- Zachary
- Gwen Labbe (Gainesville, FL)
- Anne P (Michigan)
- William Gisselquist (Tempe)
- Mya Chabarria
- Robert Moore (NC)
- Ash-Lee W. Henderson (New Market, Tennessee)
- Benjamin (Wales)
- Caroline Kottmeier (North Hollywood)
- Jonah Murray
- J Kenderby (Toronto)
- Eli Effinger-Weintraub (Minneapolis)
- KTG (Fort Worth, Texas)
- Daljit Soni (Maryland)
- Raspberry of the Surface
- Jen Nitz (Montana)
- Penelope Shannon (Livingston, TX)
- Kristen Annett (Cincinnati, OH)
- Michael Slutsky (Minneapolis)
- Kale Ratcliffe
- Jerry Rivers (Roosevelt NY)
- Howard Switzer (Nashville, TN)
- Pat Lord (USA)
- Vanessa (California)
- Evan M
- Jack Morehouse
- Susannah Duncan
- Rosie Thale (Chicago, IL)
- ray mendoza
- Dirk Marple (Kittredge, CO)
- Clare Daher (Pennsylvania)
- Blake (Atlanta, GA)
- Noah Streng (Northampton, MA)
- Michel Legendre (Brooklyn, NY)
- Greg Camphire (Santa Ana, CA)
- Kristen Bossert (Milton, DE)
- MaryKate Bonner (Norwood, MA)
- Mary (Kansas City, Mo)
- Takeo Granroth (Gilbert, Arizona)
- Curtis Blankinship (Eugene, Oregon)
- Amy (Buffalo)
- Roman Christopher Reid (Las Vegas, NV)
- Tiziana Perinotti
- Jane Congleton (Providence RI)
- Fae Summers (Stolen Powhatan land [Richmond, VA])
- Mahroosa Haideri
- Rachel Jones (Brooklyn, but from Atlanta)
- Bethany Dusenberry (Hendersonville NC)
- Jake Lowe (Washington, DC)
- Abby (Worcester, MA)
- George S. Buck (Decatur, Georgia)
- Darla Eckart
- Ronald Wolniewicz (Toledo Ohio)
- Stand.earth (Bellingham, WA)
- Tamera Derby (Milwaukee, WI)
- Shoshana (Tempe Arizona)
- Rachel B. (Cheonan, South Korea)
- Ted Scheinman (Washington, D.C.)
- Aurora Brush
- Corinna Schulenburg (Lenapehoking/New York City)
- Jane Argodale (Asheville, NC)
- Cali Zinga (Texas)
- Rya (Las Cruces, NM)
- Rita Rooney (Massachusetts)
- Rebecca Fasman (Washington, DC)
- mlou christ (WA)
- David Huseth (Illinois)
- Catherine (Concord, CA)
- Sweta (Oakland)
- Ted Griese (Kingston NY)
- Vivienne Simon (Northampton, MA)
- John P. Heyneman (Rochester, NY)
- Kai (Duluth, MN)
- Susan Heath (Oregon)
- Sarah Mountz (Albany, New York)
- Peter (St. Louis)
- Takeo Suzuki
- kd (Salem, Oregon)
- Diana Cumming (MN)
- Lauren Tatarsky (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- Michael Gilbreath (Wayland, MA)
- Sheana Brown (Charlotte, NC)
- Gael (Berkeley, CA)
- Nguyen Hall (New York)
- Alison Taylor (British Columbia, Canada)
- Robin Bergman (Arlington MA)
- Leslie Boyd (Illinois)
- Celene Lyon (Rockport, MA)
- Maria Goller (Union, WA)
- Sue and John Morris (Marshfield, VT)
- Debbie Campbell (St. Louis, MO)
- Christopher Shepherd (BC, Canada)
- Sam Law (Austin, Texas)
- Matthew Heizman
- Beth Ribet (Los Angeles, CA)
- Sori Bannon (Chicago, IL)
- lore wintergreen (Vashon, WA)
- Alyssa (USA)
- Susan Morrissey (California)
- Sandra Phipps (Decatur, GA)
- Edythe Cox (Boston, MA)
- Wilson Stewart
- Clarissa Smith (Portland, OR)
- Gail Pearlman (Oakridge, OR)
- Joey Ziegler (Seattle, WA)
- Jesse Ginsburg
- Sanjay Kumar
- Janie Ginsburg
- Larry Ginsburg
- Selena Blick (Bend, OR)
- Maiya Hoffman (Michigan, MI)
- Haley Webb
- Emilee Ann Wasiewski (Texas)
- Elaine Nonneman (Seattle, WA)
- Caroline Conrad (Brooklyn)
- mary thompson (CA)
- Jennifer Schwarzenbach (Seattle, WA)
- Maria Jimenez-Zepeda (Seattle)
- Molly O’Brien (New York City, NY)
- Andrew McGlashan (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.)
- Mark M (“Here”)
- Kathy Kerridge (Benicia)
- Jonathan Mitchell (Madison, AL)
- Jill Dunham (California)
- Michael Letwin (Brooklyn, NY)
- Lin Griffith (Oakland, CA)
- Lisa Tyler (Victoria, BC)
- Kori Paganucci (Roseville, California)
- Exen (Sacramento)
- Raresh Vlad Bunea (Toronto)
- C. Martinez (San Diego, CA)
- Stellan Vinthagen, Endowed professor (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
- Clive L Ocnacuwenga
- Millen Kerry (NJ)
- Thomas Körtvélyessy (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)
- Keelan (Rhode Island)
- Melissa Topacio Long (Bellingham WA)
- Ann Smith (St. Johns, FL)
- Jane P (Brookline, MA)
- Melina Hammer
- John Link (Home Park, Atlanta, GA)
- Sasha S Switz (Boca Raton, FL)
- Katie Wehrheim (Milwaukee, WI)
- Mallorie (Raleigh, NC)
- Denise Lytle (Woodbridge, NJ)
- Emma Sopchak (Boston)
- Lisa Berkovits (Massachusetts)
- Nicolle (Illinois)
- Victoria de Dios
- Fred Wright (Brooklyn)
- Gloria Chevalier (Fresno, California)
- Harrison Stoneking (Columbus, Ohio)
- Tierney Acosta (Silver Spring, MD)
- Andrea Snoddy (Atlanta, GA)
- Rose Marmion (St. Mary’s Convent, UK))
- Erin Bloom (Tennessee)
- Avi (Halifax/Kjipuktuk, NS)
- Semoni Weaver
- Andy Dillon (NY, NY)
- Kevin Maxwell Smith (Kent, Ohio)
- Aderonke (Mantua, NJ)
- dezeray lyn (Tampa, FL)
- Mia
- Nia Carter (NY)
- Mars Scharf (Philadelphia, PA)
- Jess Kenney (Northampton, MA)
- Leila Salazar-Lopez (Oakland, CA)
- Jacq (Kansas City, MO)
- Nicole (Phoenix, Arizona)
- Sparrow (Canada)
- Alex H (NYC)
- David Pellow (Santa Barbara, CA)
- Marjorie Coppola (Arizona)
- Jay (VT)
- Joy Jennings (Atlanta, GA)
- Patricia Morton (Los Angeles, CA)
- Noelle Surat-Mosher (Boston, MA)
- Lindsey Wagner (MD)
- April
- Grace Winternheimer (Salt Lake City, UT)
- Maria Thomas (Michigan)
- Gretchen Crawford (Rockland, Maine)
- Zoe Ward (Fort Worth, Texas)
- punkti Gandhi (Houston, TX)
- Jacob Metz-Lerman (Brooklyn, New York)
- Alexandra Foreman (Auburn)
- Cullen Pospichal (Grafton, WI)
- Abbey T
- Sara Gutierrez (Dallas, Texas)
- Anastasia Watson (Atlanta, GA)
- Nadya Harrison (New Orleans, LA)
- Eden (Atlanta, GA)
- Akiem Rose (Los Angeles, CA)
- Daphne Wysham (Washington)
- Colin Krysl (Washington State)
- Alexandra Everson (California)
- Hannah DeWitt (Seattle)
- Caitlin Ott (Philadelphia, PA / Lenapehoking)
- Colin McElroy (Cobb county, GA)
- Devi gopinathan (Seattle, WA)
- jocelyn carpenter (Winder, GA)
- Katherine Landesman (Boston, MA)
- Perrine Guérin (Belgium)
- Sara Landrey
- Hillary Geller (Chicago, IL)
- Anna-Marie Dolan (UK)
- Rebecca Jean Emigh
- Kelsey Nguyen
- Alexis Fox
- Khrizia K Velacruz (Oakland, CA)
- Meghan Burrows (Florida)
- Caden Healander (Los Angeles)
- Mollie Wills (Vermont)
- Namita Money (Baltimore, MD)
- Jesse Drew (California)
- Steve Riege (Connecticut)
- Maggie Shanahan (Minnesota, USA)
- Alexa
- Gabriel Goffman (San Francisco)
- Joan Steffen (Chicago, IL)
- Anna Ingram (Tulsa, OK)
- Elizabeth Seltzer
- Kate Schram (Maryland)
- Lauren Matheson (Canada)
- Giorgio Losi (Bloomington, Indiana)
- Ally R (Atlanta, GA)
- tianna yellowbird (Canada)
- Austin Hill (MA)
- Imani Lawrence (New York)
- Ellen (Ottawa)
- Sarah Stark
- Stephanie Sparrow (Michigan)
- Molly Anderson (Middlebury, VT)
- Tara (Bentonville, AR)
- Samuel Ufford (Winnetka, IL)
- Gloria Sanchez (Hawthorne, CA)
- Ryan Dominguez
- Love Hansell (Gothenburg, Sweden)
- Hannah Landau
- Rachel (Ohio)
- Zara Khalid (McDonough)
- Barbara Benas
- sofia
- Alison Page (MA)
- Simone Ver Eecke (Brooklyn, NY)
- Carissa Bolinski (Knoxville, TN)
- emily (PA)
- Jessica Ryan (Olympia, WA)
- Renna Hintermeister (St. Paul, MN)
- Nick Mercurio (Southeast Michigan)
- Alyce Currier (Brooklyn, NY)
- Michelle Sayles (Worcester, MA)
- Ky Peterson
- Josh B (Tucson, AZ)
- Abby Leschinger (North Carolina)
- Olivia Sullivan
- Sarah (NC)
- Julianne McCabe (Columbus, GA)
- Sarah Duggan (Brooklyn, NY)
- Kevin Gosztola (Chicago, IL)
- Hannah Whitlark (Columbia SC)
- Heather Montgomery (Old Fourth Ward, Atlanta, Georgia)
- Ashton Valentine (Colorado)
- Asha Salgado (Canada)
- Elanny
- Laila McCutcheon
- Anne-Lise Francois
- Emillie Adams (CT)
- Tabatha (Seattle, Washington)
- Eleanor Craig
- Zeina Khalife (Athens, GA)
- Micky
- Alia s (BC, Canada)
- Samara Johnson (Connecticut)
- Nathan Stein (Chicago, IL)
- Hannah Staples (Arizona)
- Heidi A Hughes
- Diane Doctor
- Aodhán Connor-Farrell (Manahoac land)
- Sirma Bilge (Canada)
- Sabine von Mering (Wayland)
- Sandra Barrett (Douglasville, GA)
- Aaron (Atlanta, GA)
- Grove Galusha (Vermont)
- Belinda Parra
- Silver Damsen
- Bonnie Lockhart (Oakland, CA)
- M.J. Williams (NYC)
- Rachel E Partain (America)
- Emily Magnesi (Atlanta, GA)
- Miki Nabetani
- Athena Landy (Denver, CO)
- Kaja (Brookhaven, GA)
- Melisa Pacheco-Jaimes (Lawrenceville, GA)
- Jessie Whitfield (Arizona)
- Christina Cruz (Athens, GA)
- Pamela L Blau
- Max Loxterkamp (Bristol, UK)
- Annabelle Roh (Brooklyn, NY)
- aliza
- Mary Anna Thompson (Denver)
- Courtney Mattinson (Alpharetta GA)
- Phoenix W. Lee (Occupied Piscataway Land)
- Lynese King
- Ian Latinette (Pennsylvania)
- Callie Cranfill
- Shannon Duffy (Atlanta, GA)
- Lynn Feinerman (San Francisco/Mill Valley California)
- Janice (Las, Vegas)
- Denisse Del Monte (Lawrenceville, GA)
- Jamie Williams (Michigan)
- Keagan Cranshaw (Savannah, GA)
- Monica Campbell (New Jersey USA)
- Haley Roeser (Los Angeles)
- Rilyn Wagner (Atlanta, GA)
- Kristina Todd
- marta (Wompanoag land)
- Lalita Martin (Atlanta, GA)
- Omkar Joshi (Duluth, Georgia)
- sonia marino (Vancouver, BC)
- Crystal J Hoffman (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Mariam Moazed
- Morgan Lindsay (Ashland, OR)
- Daniela (Miami, FL)
- Mac McLaughlin (South Jersey, NJ)
- Rebecca Scarborough (Camden, ME)
- Katie Walkiewicz (San Diego, CA)
- Jenna
- Aili Thompson (Ottawa, Canada)
- Kathiria Zorrilla-Feliciano (PA)
- Jack Herold (Lakeville, CT)
- Elijah Fountain
- Jack Sanders (Madison, Wisconsin)
- Bobby Timms
- Vanessa Christaldi (Orlando, Florida)
- Jason Cusell-Barnes (Alachua, Florida)
- Matt Sessions (Florida)
- Nayeli Maxson Velazquez (San Francisco, CA)
- Calie Stark (Portland, OR)
- remo giancola (Corvallis, OR)
- dave gioia (Oregon)
- Mary Trulley (Wisconsin)
- Ivy (Canada)
- Alexandra Lynn (Seattle, WA)
- Gabrielle
- Josie Vida
- Shannon H. (MD)
- Setsu Shigematsu (Riverside, CA)
- David Riley (Freight riding the US)
- Yana Lysenko (NYC)
- Kailey Williams
- Clara (Washington)
- Mason Rollings (Inman Park)
- Delta Delacruz
- Llewyn Máire
- Ashley Stevens (Vancouver, WA)
- Malcolm Grant (NYC, NY)
- Skye Murphy
- Christina Powers (San Bruno, California)
- Alejandra Bellavance (CA)
- Megan Dobkin
- MT
- Jodi StJohn (Atlanta, GA)
- Morgan (Los Angeles, CA)
- alejandra olvera (Riverside, CA)
- Josie Iller (FL)
- Sarah Flickinger (Washington)
- Suki deJong (Lake Worth, FL)
- Carlo Zucchi (Como, Italy)
- Elizabeth Violett
- Eleen
- Aleksander Varadian (New York)
- natavia gage (Ohio)
- Brina (Slovenia)
- Priscilla J (CT, USA)
- Miep (Gent)
- Thomas Moran (Minneapolis, MN)
- Samantha
- Laima (Toronto)
- Jessie Collins
- Barbara Humphrey (Ludowici, GA)
- Esther V. John (Seattle, WA)
- David Copper (Staunton, Virginia)
- Ashley Petersen (Pennsylvania)
- Kara Moller (Washington, DC)
- Bobby Timms
- Susan Shearouse (Glen Allen, Virginia)
- Ananta Alva (NJ)
- Ruth Podolin (Medford, NJ)
- Chris Rom (New York)
- B. Alexandra Kedrock (Virginia)
- Jake Padilla (Chicago,IL)
- Sam Whitney (Washington)
- Lindsey Schnabel (Atlanta, GA)
- Celina Kong
- Mesha Moore
- Phil Runkel (Waukesha, WI)
- Mike Harrington (Brooklyn, NY)
- Meghana Karumuri (East Lansing, Michigan)
- Evelyn L Ophir (Delray Beach, Florida)
- Luanne Pasik (WA and AZ)
- Lily Dusseau (Akron, Ohio)
- Alexis (Texas)
- Anne Craig (Asheville, N.C.)
- victoria yusibova (Philadelphia, PA)
- Cynthia Heil (Asheville, NC)
- Blue Delliquanti (Minneapolis, MN)
- Tereza Castillo (Phoenix, AZ)
- Caitlin Schroering (Grew up in Atlanta, now in Charlotte, NC)
- Sandra L Parks (Bridgewater VA)
- Catherine T. Scott (Asheville NC)
- Vincent Kolb (Pittsburgh)
- Ella Fratantuono (North Carolina)
- Atlas (Burlington, Vermont)
- Bobbie Schroering (WV)
- Samuel Korn (Minnesota)
- Johnathan O’Keeffe (Lincoln, NE)
- Molly Freiberg (Troy, NY)
- Fred Wright (Brooklyn)
- Paul Turner (Leicester, NC)
- eva wo (Philadelphia, PA)
- Evan Mulholland (Minneapolis, MN)
- Melanie Willing (Richmond, VA)
- Killashandra K
- Donna Schutt (Asheville, NC)
- Alexandra Melinchok (Silver Spring, Maryland)
- Raven Rauth (Frederick MD)
- Eliana Ruben (Texas)
- Sharon Palmer (California)
- Leigh Manley (Dennis, MA)
- Hope Wilson (Buda, TX)
- Damien (Bend, Oregon)
- Iman Zouiten (Port Charlotte FL)
- Ellen E Barfield (stolen Piscataway tribal land now called Baltimore, MD)
- José María Saraví (Tandil)
- Lori Kershner (PA)
- Tom Nisse (Brussels, Belgium)
- Bennett Berkowitz
- Karen C.L. Anderson (Southeastern Connecticut)
- Kathy Self (Asheville, NC)
- Elizabeth Rodkewich (Madison)
- Briana Conway (Sacramento, CA)
- Gerritt and Elizabeth Baker-Smith (Portsmouth, VA)
- Jacob Apenes (Portland, OR)
- Donatella Galella (Riverside, CA)
- Marshall (Brooklyn, NY)
- Gianna Fine (Queens)
- Felicity Quartermaine (Portland, OR)
- Constance Rice
- Julia Keane (Washington, DC)
- Nancy C Tate (Riegelsville, PA)
- Jenae Hemminger (Milledgeville, GA)
- Lois Jordan
- Brynn (Utah)
- Martie Leys (Cotati, CA)
- Liliana Noonan (Houston, TX)
- Christine Niskanen (Binghamton, NY)
- Ava Perl
- Michelle Fairow (Rural WA State)
- Drew Hudson (Vermont)
- Kahlan
- Carlos Martínez
- Julia Kirn
- Lucia Hernandez Larios (Austin, TX)
- Laura Denick (New York, New York)
- Cathy Holt (Barichara, Colombia)
- Audra King (Hartford, CT)
- Jonathan Stegall (Minneapolis, MN)
- Emily Gottschling (Detroit)
- Jacob (Florida)
- Jacqueline Garduno Franco (NYC)
- Cas Copher (WI)
- Nina Chester (Navajo Nation, USA)
- Meg Wright (Arizona)
- Molly Adams (NY)
- Rachael Denny (Bradley, California)
- Lorrie Streifel
- Jacqueline (Maryland)
- Lyndzie Zolac (Parma, Ohio)
- Hayley Sanchez (Texas)
- Noah Grigni (Atlanta, GA)
- Lisa Adams
- Maria Martinez (Alexandria, Virginia)
- Hala Carter (Winterville, GA)
- Iris Bordman (Vashon, WA)
- Jennifer Scarlott (Bronx, NY)
- Ana Cheng Jaramillo
- Shelby Melton (Annapolis MD)
- Drew de Man (South Fulton)
- Sarah Medley (Portland, Oregon)
- Cassidy DiPaola (Okeechobee, Florida)
- Tiffany Mouzon (Jonesboro, GA)
- Ally Langenkamp (Michigan)
- Peter Rachleff (St. Paul, Minnesota)
- Landon Adams (Kansas)
- alexis duran (San Francisco, California)
- Eric Morris (Akron, OH)
- August (Oakland)
- Kelly Wright
- Brandy Knapton
- Braven (NE Pennsylvania)
- Elspeth Meyer
- K [sic]
- tony j hintze (Chicago, il)
- Shana L. Redmond (New York, NY)
- Maritza Mendoza
- Jackson Kishbaugh-Maish (Berwyn, IL)
- Wendy Mallette (Atlanta, GA)
- Tracey Rocha (California)
- Julian Dautremont (Columbus, OH)
- Taylor Snodgrass (Indiana)
- Muskaan Khemani
- Rhea Hartwell (California)
- Taven Zoe Frank (IL)
- Christine Pappas (Los Angeles)
- Elizabeth Berger (Oakland, CA)
- Salem
- A. Smith (Decatur, GA)
- Nancy Graham (Chicago)
- Caroline jordan (Atlanta)
- Anne Marie Hertl (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
- Moregan Szumanski (Michigan)
- Hannah Zaritsky (Denver, Colorado)
- Louise Halverson (Minneapolis, MN)
- Sharon OHara Bruce (southeastern Michigan)
- Teresa Brown (Canada)
- Leah (Kansas City)
- Nancy Yuill (Portland, Oregon)
- Kendra Whelan
- Don Kimball (Jacksonville, FL)
- Laura Matthew (Worcester, MA)
- Paige Coe (San Diego)
- Michelle (TN)
- Hannah Lane (San Rafael, CA)
- Sara Melish (Oakland, CA)
- Malia Kawaguchi
- Marissa
- Phil (Atlanta, GA)
- Adam Denton (London, UK)
- Sara (Kansas)
- Josette Bailey (NYC, NY)
- Barbara Thomas (Atlanta, GA)
- Shari Sirkin (Corbett, Oregon)
- Luke Anavi (Portland, Oregon)
- John MacDougall
- Casey
- Jessica Scherer (Minnesota)
- Samantha Love
- Dee Allen (Oakland, California)
- Ray Acheson (Brooklyn, NY)
- Pat Albright (Philadelphia, PA)
- Wren NS (Sweden)
- Brian Kaneda (Los Angeles, CA)
- Earnest Arky Solomon
- Maya (Georgia)
- Benjamin Colfax (Atlanta, GA)
- Madison (Atlanta)
- Henry Lear (Atlanta, GA)
- Priscilla Merlo
- Melissa Brown (Newton, MA)
- Andrew Free (Atlanta, GA)
- Mahnker Dahnweih (Madison, WI)
- Marc Ramoneda
- Maya Gomberg (Bulbancha)
- Gail King (New York City, NY)
- Gabriel Frazier (Savannah, GA)
- Cloudy the Scribbler (Springfield, MA)
- Madi Ugan (Chapel Hill, NC)
- Yasmin E Mayer (Arcata, CA)
- Corey Couch (Lula, GA)
- Marissa Henriquez (Davis, CA)
- Emily Smarte
- Mathi Mugilan (So-called South Florida (land of Seminole))
- Mars McCann Coruh (Los Angeles, CA)
- Kara Reece (Virginia Beach, VA)
- Bex Goolsby (New York City, NY)
- Maria Gorman (Queens, NY)
- Rodney Rowan Chandler (California)
- Xavier Melvin (Savannah, Georgia)
- Sonja Darai (Maine)
- James (Texas)
- Jada (Bowling Green, KY)
- Matt (Atlanta, GA)
- Kate Bergbower (Asheville, NC)
- Michael Siptroth (Belfair, WA)
- Michael Biggiani (Atlanta, GA)
- Valerie Russo (Athens, GA)
- Katy
- Patrick (Oregon)
- Siena Rafter
- Aliyah S (Raleigh, NC)
- David Cohen
- Ezra Chaviv (Arkansas)
- Debbie Kim
- Pooja Patel
- Clover Shillings (NY, USA)
- Ken Schendel (Canada)
- Kaniya Davis (Greensboro, NC)
- Francisco Eraso (NYC, NY)
- Sam Mera-Candedo (Baltimore, MD)
- Helen Mrema
- Liana Mestas
- Rachel Goodman (Savannah, Georgia)
- Nicole Baldy (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Hannah (Atlanta, GA)
- Luke (Nomadic)
- John R Huff Jr (Denton, Texas)
- Kyla Somerlot (Alabama)
- Isabelle Borsanyi (New York)
- Samantha (Sammie) Lewis (Detroit, MI)
- Jerrica Martinez (Bloomington, IL)
- Cris Hernandez (Los Angeles, CA)
- Judy Ochoa (Orange, CA)
- Evan (WA)
- Barbara Wendeborn Brandom
- Victor Wallis, author of “Red-Green Revolution”
- Wesley Scott
- Hector Brandt (Philadelphia, PA)
- Asel Luzarraga (Basque Country)
- Abi Stephens
- Lauren Killion
- David Beaulieu (Los Angeles)
- Lindsay Culbertson (Buckhead, GA)
- Sarah Gerringer (Virginia)
- Alexis (Phenix City, Alabama)
- Chuck Modi
- Enma Hopkins
- Emma (Philadelphia, PA)
- Misha Choudhry
- Caitlin Swirczynski (Ohio)
- Michael Heslar
- Julia Mcatee
- Judith Lienhard (Oregon)
- Dylan (Atlanta)
- Derya Sever (Turkey)
- Jaime O. (Oakland, Ca (Stolen Ohlone Land))
- Prem Parekh (Suwanee)
- Annabelle Pharrow (Stillwater, Oklahoma)
- Amy Verdonik (San Diego, CA)
- Mackie Elwell (Gwinnett County, GA)
- Lauren Kesterson (Tuscaloosa, AL)
- Emily Mooshian
- Leo (Seattle, WA)
- Morgan Patterson (New Haven, CT)
- Amanda Bernard
- Anna Marie (Massachusetts)
- Melanie Evans (Marion, NC)
- Emilie Casey
- Avery (Midlothian, VA)
- Michela Rose (Boston, MA)
- Nicholas Fesette (Decatur, GA)
- Nia (Chicago, IL)
- Rosemari Roast (Connecticut)
- Journey Martin (Dorchester MA)
- Brianna Simmons (Riverside)
- Hannah Eichorst (Atlanta, GA)
- Mk Moskowitz (Boston, MA)
- Hannah Kass (Madison, WI)
- Rose Fairley (Los Angeles, CA)
- Vanessa Bretas (Brooklyn, NY)
- Feitian Ma (Baltimore, MD)
- Zak Zulty (USA)
- Leah Brindley (Florida)
- Jackie Harris (St. Louis, MO)
- Abigail (Pennsylvania)
- Genea (Lenapehoking)
- Alicia Hesselton (Broomfield, CO)
- Sophia (Saint Paul, Minnesota)
- Donna Shaunesey (Virginia)
- Miranda M
- Presleigh Hayashida
- Walker Caplan (Brooklyn, NY)
- Hallam Tuck
- Cameron Miller
- Rose Abramoff (Knoxville TN)
- Stacey Stewart
- Dutsch Dorman (Murfreesboro TN)
- Jenny (Florida)
- Ruth Bahl (Baltimore, MD)
- Margo Williams (Thomasville, GA)
- Carly Rizzuto
- Jacob Ruiz (Los Angeles, CA)
- Dave R
- Kal (Pennsylvania)
- Timothy Judson (Syracuse, NY)
- Alyce Trelawny Coleman (CT)
- Sara Redd (Atlanta, GA)
- Madison Mayhew
- Padma Dyvine
- Josh Klipp (San Francisco, CA)
- Olivia Lockhart (Kirkland, WA)
- Michael Whetten (Garland, TX)
- Charles Lockard (Jacksonville, FL)
- Autumn Sternemann (Columbia, SC)
- Emily Scholl (Grand Rapids, MI)
- Katie Anne Graves (Atlanta, GA)
- Theo (Raleigh, NC)
- Stefanie Wills
- Thomas Bolton (Phillipsburg, NJ)
- Emilynne Widick (Nashville, TN)
- Owen Schwartz
- Sophie Brant (North Carolina)
- John Mark Rozendaal (New York City, NY)
- Daniel Garcia (St. Louis, MO)
- Littlebird Dee (Black Mountain, NC)
- Brantley Littlejohn (Indiana)
- Julia Brokaw (St Paul, MN)
- Jean Cushman (Baltimore, MD)
- Kenneth Hardy (Austin, TX)
- Meredith A Smarr (Colorado)
- Maria A (Texas)
- Jeremy B
- Anthea Mitchell (Jenison, MI)
- Katie Chun (Boston, MA)
- Nicole G (Washington, DC)
- Allie Woodard (Savannah, GA)
- Ava (Austin, TX)
- Josie Saint (Jasper, GA)
- Rahul Deshpande (Atlanta, GA)
- Abby Oberg (South Coast Oregon)
- Susan Meeker-Lowry (Delanson, NY)
- Holly Manning (New Hampshire)
- Natalie Koski-Karell (San Diego, CA)
- Mal Johnson (Michigan)
- Alice Mar-Abe (Seattle, WA)
- Emily Kincanon (Moose Lake, MN)
- Kris Acuña (Rochester, MN)
- Emma Ryan (Northampton, MA)
- Terry Tompkins
- Mark Scott (Marfa, TX)
- Lydia Burkett
- Maria Altamura (Connecticut)
- Autumn White Eyes (Minneapolis, MN)
- Riddhi S. Patel (Central Valley, CA)
- Jennifer Silverstein (Windsor, California)
- Zachary Oppenheimer (Amherst, MA)
- Elizabeth Scrafford (Chicago, IL)
- Frances Craik (Phoenix, Az)
- Katya Drake
- Jenny
- Kurt Christian Reynolds (Atlanta, GA)
- Serena Soplop (Florida)
- Dee
- Griffin Franklin (Flagstaff, Arizona)
- Taylor Simonette (Los Angeles, CA)
- Hailey Olson (Nevada)
- Rich Averitt (Soddy Daisy, Tennessee)
- Denise Rischel
- Susan Larson (Paso Robles, CA)
- Joyce Grabush (United States)
- Tamara Hendershot (Miami, Florida)
- Linda Cummings (Ohio)
- Glow (Boston, MA)
- Dustin Mcdaniel, Abolitionist Law Center (Pittsburgh, Pa)
- Ann Thryft
- Lisa A. Jacobson
- Alex Amonette
- Luci Evanston (California)
- Cindy Roper (Northern NM)
- Marilyn Mooshie (Oregon)
- Sally Jenks Roth (Bristol, Vermont)
- Martha Turobiner
- Martina Pilz (Germany)
- Wrenn Reed
- Nyssa Mccarthy (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Abby Petersen (Minneapolis, MN)
- Michele Frisella (Tucson, Arizona)
- Karen Van Es (Virginia)
- Nia Howard (Michigan)
- Richard Solomon (Oakland, California)
- Craig Murray (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
- Alex Kowtun (Hornell, New York)
- Anneliese Schultz (Maine)
- Robin Ouellette (Massachusetts)
- David Curtis Taggart (Woodbridge, Virginia)
- Usman Khan (Austin, TX)
- Sarah Frutig (Arleta, CA)
- Alyssa Jones (West Virginia)
- Ellen M Hinchcliffe (Minneapolis, MN)
- Kellie Osborne
- Maura Bradfield (Ireland)
- William Forrest (Rochester, NY)
- The Zemanick Family (FL)
- Janet Torgerson (Arkansas)
- Ryan Kuczynski (New Jersey)
- Deborah (Philadelphia, PA)
- Keith Wahl (Florida)
- Joseph Chin (Indiana)
- Debra Rehn
- Thomas Perez (Titusville, FL)
- Dan Peacock (Texas)
- Christopher Fuentes (Seattle, WA)
- Debra Wright (Arizona)
- Crystal Coddington (PA)
- Sheila Anderson
- Rita Garvey (Florida)
- Haley Horaz
- Shelley Simcox (Bremerton, WA)
- Janet G Heinle (Santa Monica, CA)
- Shanice
- Rev. David Sickles (Cleveland, Ohio)
- K. Strong (New York)
- Eesha Williams (Dummerston, Vermont)
- Martha Eberle (Dripping Springs, Tx)
- Kathleen Bungarz (Walnut Creek, CA)
- Joanne Desposito
- Mike Mcgowan (USA)
- Jenifer Johnson (Marietta, GA)
- John Mcginn (Providence, Rhode Island)
- Cheryl Voelker (New York)
- Erica Acebo (Marietta, GA)
- Diane Kraft (Lewiston, NY)
- Fayette Krause (Pt. Townsend, WA)
- Becky Franklin (Minneapolis, MN)
- Julia Lindemuth
- Glenn Majeski (Daly City, California)
- Steve Jones (Sebastian, FL)
- Charles Krueger (Snellville, GA)
- Paul Ukrainets (Austin, TX)
- Karen Wolf (Maryland)
- June (Pootatuck Watershed)
- Caroline Herritt (Atlanta, GA)
- Richard Payne
- Sarah Mozal (Los Angeles, CA)
- Forest Shomer (Port Townsend, WA)
- Lisa Haugen (WA)
- Melody C. (Falmouth, MA)
- Tony Beum
- Anthony Obst (Berlin, Germany)
- Charles Unger
- Tony Beum (Littleton, Colorado)
- Susan Yarnell (Chapel Hill, NC)
- Sea Branca (Mendocino, CA)
- Nancy C
- Janet Riordan (Snohomish, WA)
- Maryanne Tobin (Philadelphia, PA)
- Erik Boyd (La Crescenta, California)
- Barbara Rosenkotter (Eastsound, WA)
- Mary Almendarez
- Alexandra Rappaport (Las Vegas, NV)
- Elizabeth Phelan (New York)
- Gina Cipriano (Kentucky)
- Patrick Mcintyre (Ypsilanti, MI)
- Risa M Mandell (Pennsylvania, PA)
- Robin Weirich (Irvine, CA)
- Desi Bolanos (New York)
- Geraldine Gauer (Louisville, Kentucky)
- Chris Tarn (France)
- Michael Henderson (California)
- Shaun Mosley (Atlanta, GA)
- Jesse Goode (Washington, DC)
- Chris Dacus
- Elizabeth Smyth (Valley Of The Mahicantuck)
- Kathy Mcmath (Ft Thomas)
- Shelbie (Missouri)
- Donna Shellabarger (California)
- Manny Guerra (Denver, Colorado)
- Zachary Bowman
- Alison Thirkield (Emory, GA)
- The Red Dove (NJ)
- Cherry Hayes (British Columbia, Canada)
- Daniel Q. Moore (Rochester, NY)
- Ifeanyi Awachie (Decatur, GA)
- Imani
- Kathleen Ventrella
- Bernadette Gillick
- Michael D Markham
- Ann Duggan (Barton, VT)
- Katherine Roberts (San Francisco, Formerly - Atlanta, GA)
- Maggie Copeland
- Lisa Goodrich (Boulder, CO)
- Michael Crowden
- Lucia Pollock (Washington, DC)
- Viktoriya Abakumova
- Marlene D Bicardi (North Miami Beach, Florida)
- Suzanne L Swinconos (Janesville, WI)
- Susan C Peterson (Michigan)
- Zachary Jeffreys
- Deanna (St. Louis, MO)
- Suzanne Stamatov (Santa Fe, NM)
- James Lamont (St. Petersburg, FL)
- Logan Threedouble (California)
- Denyse Chambers (Canada)
- Lucy Wills (United Kingdom)
- Mark Reback
- James And Rita Grauer
- Courtney Conover (Level Cross, NC)
- Teresa Mynko (Southern California)
- Bettina Hempel (Teaneck, NJ)
- Grace Tacherra Morrison (Los Angeles, CA)
- Anne Dwyer (Seattle WA)
- Anne Dwyer (Seattle WA)
- Robert Osborn (Tacoma, Washington)
- Janine (Atlanta, GA)
- Brigid (Massachusetts)
- Linda Walters (Virginia)
- Ji Montgomery (Pennsylvania)
- R (California)
- Grace Hunter (Deland, FL)
- Juliana Shepard (Massachusetts)
- Anna (Oregon)
- Eliet Donley (Japan)
- Nancy (AZ)
- Edward R Handley (Louisville, KY)
- Patricia Rodriguez (Tucson, AZ)
- Anne Rara (TX)
- Meg Doyle (New York, NY)
- Ashley
- Lorraine Gray (Massachusetts)
- Mary C. Whiteside
- Rupal Nanavati (Marietta, GA)
- Parag Sampat (Atlanta, GA)
- Sarah Hearon
- Amy Bramblett (Georgia)
- Stephanie Anderson (Florida)
- Allen Singleton (Atlanta, GA)
- Elizabeth Watts (Florida)
- Jennifer
- Claudia Reed
- Gwendolyn Torres (Pennsylvania)
- Peggy S. Collins (Southfield, MI)
- Laura Wall
- Maria Esser (Madison, WI)
- Ron Raz (Pennsylvania)
- Tessa Marie (Mount Clare, WV)
- Julie Beer (Palo Alto, CA)
- Brooke Leader
- Kelly Sierra (Arvada, Colorado)
- Benay Blend (Albuquerque, NM)
- Noah Hewitt (California)
- Janet Selby (Phoenix, AZ)
- Alexandra H (Billings, MT)
- Jessica Tep (Brooklyn, NY)
- Jae
- Byron Cohea (San Diego, CA)
- Sarah Daggett
- Vicki Ingham (Iowa)
- Elissa (Austin, TX)
- Rebecca Leas (Venice, FL)
- Lynn Driessen
- Miranda Paige
- Jan Tucker (Temecula, CA)
- K
- Danna Dearborn (Kittery Point, ME And Osprey, FL)
- Chantez Neymoss
- Diana Wilkinson (Flagstaff, AZ)
- Olivia Mcnamara
- Abigail Klein (California)
- Elizabeth Costlow (Fletcher, NC)
- Ruthie Weller (Waco, TX)
- Galena Wurtzel
- Leslie Smith (Oakland, CA)
- Marge Maloney
- Maureen Schiener (Buffalo, NY)
- Kathryn J Damon (NYC, NY)
- Sabine Bradley (Rochester NY)
- Meredith (Oklahoma)
- Wm Briggs
- Mary Dicioccio
- Diego Henriquez (Phoenix, AZ)
- Erin Kidd (Charlottesville, VA)
- Christopher Mell (Roswell, GA)
- Charlotte Bicking
- M Callahan
- Hera Gerber (St. Louis, MO)
- Gerry Kumagai (Toronto, Canada)
- Kate Shepard
- Margaret R. Beegle (Tucson, Arizona)
- Ian Kpachavi (Chicago, IL)
- Eric Burr (Mazama, WA)
- Diana Morgan-Hickey (San Jose, CA)
- Matt Berry (Bardstown, Kentucky)
- Ira Gerard (South Elgin, Illinois)
- Emily Myers (Atlanta, GA)
- Patricia Bocanegra
- Margo Gross (Arcata, California)
- Patrick Diehl (Tucson, AZ)
- Bob Summers
- Monica Nelson (Southern Islands)
- Noriko Kumagai (Toronto, Canada)
- Carrie Lippy
- Donna Reynolds (Upstate New York)
- Eva Gabrielle Dickerson (Chiang Mai, Thailand)
- Diane-Michele Petrillo
- Carolyn Potts
- Rosalind Morehead
- Tinna (Kansas City MO)
- Michael Mahoney (Texas)
- Ulises Avila (Seattle, WA)
- Ivette Lopezfreeman (Atlanta, GA)
- Ben Mayerik (Marietta, GA)
- Erin Glasco (Chicago, IL)
- Dawn Oneal (Atlanta, GA)
- Amanda Gormsen (Los Angeles, CA)
- Audreyana Boyd (Los Angeles, CA)
- Dr. Amy Eisenberg (Tohono O’odham Sacred Homeland, The Sonoran Desert)
- Monroe Person (Texas)
- Dani S
- Aurora Massari (Los Angeles, CA)
- Ian (Long Beach, CA)
- Joseph Retsky (Tucson, Arizona)
- Jacob Abiad (Canada)
- Emily Harding (Washington, DC)
- Susan Bannister (Maryland)
- Ivica Rus (Croatia)
- Danielle Eveillard
- Ariel Fybush (NYC, NY)
- Karen Gilliland
- Issie
- Marian Hussenbux (Britain)
- Cristina De Jesus Morales (Chicago, IL)
- Joan How (United Kingdom)
- Gianluca Guaitoli (Italy)
- D’anna Asher (Kauai)
- Sierra Jones (Eureka, CA)
- Josh G (North Dakota)
- David Beaulieu (Los Angeles, CA)
- Carol Schaffer
- Sabree Galvan
- Lex Clearwater
- Bernard De Volder
- Maria Geusebroek (France)
- Ann Marie Daly (Ireland)
- Doris Verkamp
- Angela (NC)
- Marina Ris
- Kristin Seegert (Michigan)
- Stella (Montreal, Canada)
- Marja Leino
- Phyllis Grande (Ny)
- Elizabeth Urban (Niles, Illinois)
- Elisabeth Sidler (Switzerland)
- Cindy Hatcher
- Phillip Anderton (Poole, UK)
- Kiersten Lapense (New Jersey)
- Maggie Martin (Decatur, TN)
- Katherine O’Sullivan (New York City, NY)
- Landis Crockett
- Tishea (Houston, TX)
- Natrice Tilghman
- Jennifer Hunt (Chicago, IL)
- Terri Friedline (Michigan)
- Michael Wilaon (Watertown, MA)
- Adrianna (UK)
- Julie Alley
- Michael Gulley (San Antonio, TX)
- Elizabeth Jones (New York)
- Samuel Morningstar
- Shannon M. Coleman (Rochester, NY)
- Evan Villeneuve (Detroit, MI)
- Ari Braverman (Queens, NY)
- Paul Reddy (W.G.C., Hertfordshire, England)
- Tori Parsons (Maine)
- Ernie Boyd (Asheville, NC)
- Alana (Rochester, NY)
- Victoria Jackiw (Erlangen, Germany)
- Rebekah Steers (Colorado)
- Robert Moore (NC)
- Kathryn Elizabeth Reichard (California)
- Conor Wrigley (Illinois)
- Dawn Paley (Puebla, Mexico)
- Hanna Novak (Detroit, MI)
- Grayson Hester (Atlanta, GA)
- Michelle Dyrness (Altadena)
- C (NM)
- Zephyr Converse
- Brittany Shaheen (Michigan)
- Stephen Benson, Phd (Blue Hill, ME)
- Monica Shores
- Robin How (UK)
- Brianna Chastain (Texas)
- Emily Trincado (Indiana)
- Sara
- Joan Carol Welte (Philadelphia, PA)
- Clifford L. Snook (Milford, PA)
- Savannah Baird
- Julie Singh (Atlanta, GA)
- Sharon Franco (Fort Myers, FL)
- Ashley Barrienots (Murfreesboro, TN)
- Devin Murphy (California)
- Brenda Ramos (New Jersey)
- May (New York)
- Van Hopper (Portland, OR)
- Katie Luther (Atlanta, GA)
- Raimi L
- Cindy Hwang (Brooklyn, NY)
- Sativa Nadeau-Benton (Macon, GA)
- Lexie Vogel
- Scott Buchner (Port Townsend, WA)
- Robin Wood (Germany) (Germany, Hamburg)
- Mrs. Marilyn Dougher (Anchorage, AK)
- Elizabeth Fox
- C Day (Florida)
- Elena
- Rodger Field (Chicago, IL)
- Alexis B (Georgia)
- Evan Mccoy (Englewood, CO)
- Takis Karakatsanis
- Sara Wicoff (Texas)
- Amelia Madden (California)
- Mitra (Santa Cruz, CA)
- Eric Patel (New York, NY)
- Jenna Yeakle (Duluth, MN)
- George Leddy (Los Angeles, CA)
- Ann Currie
- Erica Baum (New York)
- Frieda Weinstein Biton (Montreal, Quebec Canada)
- Elizabeth Weaver (Atlanta, GA)
- Jason Tishler
- Autumn Ribbens (CA)
- Daniel Mihalyi (The Dalles, OR)
- Karen Kirschling
- Ak (Upstate NY)
- Liz (East Atlanta Village, GA)
- Cate Manochio (Caldwell, NJ)
- Mindy Blank (Barre, VT)
- Colin Sphar (Chicago, IL)
- Federico José Abelik (Argentina)
- Tamatrion Javers (Cobb County, GA)
- Zaila (Atlanta, GA)
- Madeline Beke (Atlanta, GA)
- Sarah B Stewart (MA)
- Michelle Macy
- Charles Soeder (Carrboro, NC)
- Kevin Alan Mann (Oakland, CA, on unceded Ohlone Territory)
- Michael Marek (Phoenix, AZ)
- Rhetta Eubanks (New York, NY)
- Cody Lougher
- Jackson Gregory (Kennesaw, Georgia)
- Anah M.
- Renee Marino (Tampa, FL)
- Cris (Detroit, MI)
- Liz
- Emily Luken (Chicago, IL)
- Cynthia Mcginnis (Ronkonkoma)
- Fannie Ip (NYC, NY)
- Nikki Dennis (Portland, OR)
- Devyn Hall (Iowa)
- Millie Mcwhorter
- Sky Hanzas (Bay Area, CA)
- Justin Gallicchio (West Hartford, CT)
- Ali
- Rebecca Jones (New York City, NY)
- Autumn Sanford (Athens, GA)
- Karina Dansie
- Lisa Coleman
- Kathryn Minervino (Raleigh, NC)
- Sudan Young (New York)
- Cameron Rasmussen (New York)
- Sudan Young (New York)
- Oliver (Portland)
- Nicolas C. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
- Shelly Williams (Sacramento, CA)
- Lizbeth Hernandez (Berkeley, California)
- Michelle Merrill (Santa Cruz, CA)
- Sam Butler (Cleveland, Ohio)
- Alex Hatzakis
- Sarah Y. (FL)
- Simone Biedermann (Fehmarn, Germany)
- Mo
- Regan Luebbert (Pennsylvania)
- Braden Baker (Atlanta, Georgia)
- Eleanor Dunn (Los Angeles, CA)
- Gabriel Oakes (Seattle, WA)
- Val (Athens, GA)
- Michele Hines (KY, UT, WA, AK)
- Chelsea Hillman
- Abbie Porto (Chicago, IL)
- Mya (California)
- Clare Redlick
- Idit Cahana (New York)
- Theresa Bucher (Tarzana, Ca)
- Jill Grief (Toronto, Canada)
- Sarah (Minnesota)
- Helen (Wisconsin)
- Nora Chesnut (Austin, TX)
- Carrie H (Evans, GA)
- Elina
- Catherine F Talbott (Southern Illinois, Home of the Shawnee National Forest)
- Haley (Chicago, IL)
- Isabel Tenison
- Marilyn Oliva-Rivas (Washington, DC)
- Magie
- Emily Schukai
- Megan Bouwkamp (Upstate, SC)
- Alina Lasseter (Valdosta, GA)
- Mark Spencer (Atlanta, GA)
- Lindsay Miller
- Laurel (Missoula, MT)
- Amber C Smith (Colorado)
- Lilly (Omaha, NE)
- Alana
- Al Johnson-Kurts (Vermont)
- Melissa Specht (New Haven)
- Parithy S
- Kelly Kyutoku (Corvallis, Oregon)
- Bailey Veloria
- Maggie Shears
- Han Ward
- Jennifer Palmer (Pasadena, CA)
- Stephanie Johnson
- Angelic Dominguez (Donna, Texas)
- Sylvia Gonzalez (Tucson, AZ)
- Raven (Indiana)
- Emily (New Zealand)
- Abby (Atlanta, GA)
- Amanda
- Sara
- Paulina Soto (Oklahoma)
- Andrea Ramos Campos
- Carolyn Serebreny (Haines City, FL)
- Kayla A. (Indiana)
- Nicole Ramirez
- Rebecca Roberts (NJ)
- Miles Gorman (Morristown , New Jersey)
- Claire (Wisconsin)
- Hina
- Hunter
- Joel Pantuso-Iwaskewycz (Oxford, OH)
- Nikelle Knox
- Sophia Czyzewski (Las Vegas, NV)
- Zoe Muzyczka (Cincinnati, OH)
- Mindy Holmes (Detroit, Michigan)
- Ashlyn
- Lise Ullman (Oregon)
- Mary Claire Kelly (Boston, Massachusetts)
- Alyssa Shields (Pennsylvania)
- Lauren Labarre (Athens, Georgia)
- Carol E Gay (Brick, NJ)
- Rita (Atlanta, GA)
- Noir Oliver
- Heather Harmon (Warwick, RI)
- Richard Namkung (Los Angeles, CA)
- Antónia Audi
- Josie Mccartney (Chicago, IL)
- Judy
- Madison
- Maude Burns (Rochester, NY)
- Caroline Benda (Jasper, GA)
- Emily Yelton (North Carolina)
- Ziah Cloud (Seattle, WA)
- Gina Bennett
- Clarinda Karpov (Omaha, Nebraska)
- Alexandra Cousins
- Jaime Justen (Brooklyn, NY)
- Anna Patriarche (Phoenix, AZ)
- Tara Kamath (Santa Monica, CA)
- Patrick O’reilly (Belleville, NJ)
- Chalit Ratapana (Bangkok, Thailand)
- Brooke Gilley (Wisconsin)
- Maria Golner
- Izzy Darwin
- Karen Manzo (Westminster, Colorado)
- Megan Baxter
- Ashley Martinez (Oregon)
- Sealah Jeter (Oregon)
- Haniya Hassan (San Diego, CA)
- Kelsey Brodt (Minnesota)
- Arya Jemal (New York, NY)
- Mckenzie Forbes (California)
- Ana Vujadinovic
- Lucero Ramos (Corona, CA)
- Roya Lippe (Illinois)
- Hannah Demke
- Jamison Murphy (Baltimore, Maryland)
- Arianna Alexander
- Tara Fredenburg (Memphis, TN)
- Marelle
- Linnea Wolff (Pittsburgh, PA)
- Laura Beckman (New York, NY)
- Emily
- Amelia Ragusano (Howell, NJ)
- Olesya
- Lizzie
- Alissandra Valdez
- Lisa Meader
- Cinthia Romero Silva (Chicago, IL)
- Alissa Torrez (Colorado)
- Ahvionna (Minnesota)
- Madeleine Cane (Vancouver, WA)
- Keren Giovengo (Brunswick, GA)
- Jordan Schindler (Illinois)
- Breanna Mcgowan (Atlanta, GA)
- Natalie
- Corinne Haley (Idaho)
- Marlene Campbell (Katy, TX)
- Elizabeth Thomson (Milford, MA)
- Heather (New Orleans, LA)
- Tracie Hoops (California)
- Amy Sindorf (Seattle, WA)
- Chandler Mccormick (Denver, Colorado)
- Estephanie
- Maya Reynolds (Ohio)
- Kolbi Bradley (Dc)
- Calvin Brandt (Cincinnati, Ohio)
- Ankhet Holmes (DC)
- Abbigail Corwin (Lewisburg, TN)
- Lauren Zachary (Morris, MN)
- Sam Hines
- Rachel Jeayes
- Patricia Gray (Orlando, FL)
- Laron (South Carolina)
- Emma Ross (Rochester, NY)
- Marc James Léger (Montreal, Canada)
- Jenna
- Annick (USA)
- Jenasen M. (Michigan)
- Nadia M (Texas)
- Zed
- Ms. Norris (Idaho)
- Sarah Brown (USA)
- Cat Demers
- Ella Johnson
- Sonny Mercer (Lithonia, GA)
- Mortimer D. Pendragon (NC)
- Sydney Warner
- Nicholas Smith
- Jessica Bolding (WA)
- Sylvia Manning (TX)
- Kilynne Higgins
- Patrick Hr Lindley
- Aj Henry
- Jenasen M. (Michigan)
- Nadia M (Texas)
- Zed
- Ms. Norris (Idaho)
- Sarah Brown (USA)
- Kimberly Edwards
- David (Earth)
- Makenzie Fogg
- Haley (Snoqualmie, WA)
- Cian Doran
- Naomi Emma Lederman
- Spark
- Haley Mchatton Ballou (Wakefield, MA)
- Gillian Dunn
- Olivia Cavalluzzi
- Saorla (Boston, MA)
- Delsin
- Ava Ackerman (Boston, MA)
- Emma Neuman
- Lisa
- Racheal Matheny (Dublin, CA)
- Jamie Jenkins (Atlanta, GA)
- Brooke
- Haley Frey (Reno, NV)
- Gayle Bell (Florida)
- Emily Hoffmeister
- Mila (NY)
- Ashley Yong
- Paula Munoz (Florida)
- Gregory Geboski (Wisconsin)
- Hans Schub
- Grey Crouch (Los Angeles, CA)
- Sara Itkis (Quincy, MA—on Massachusett, Pawtucket, and Wompanoag Land)
- Vanessa Sanchez (Arcata, CA)
- Jean Kim
- Krystina Melville (Virginia)
- Liz Goldhammer (La Verne, CA)
- Margherita Bonazzi (Italy)
- Betelhem Teshome (California)
- Jennifer Chou (Vancouver, Canada)
- Sadie Kinne (Arizona)
- Elijah (New York)
- Emanuela Bianchi (New York)
- Amber Meister (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
- Chelsea Mckee (Brownsville, TX)
- M. Flores
- Catherina Ebert
- Alexandra Smith
- Mikayla Kinghorn (Idaho)
- Tobias Jones (Texas)
- Gail Courtney (Walthsamstow)
- Carlos Umaña (Madrid, Spain)
- Annie Eldon (Arizona)
- Theresa Reuter (Mother Earth)
- Tina Shull (Charlotte, NC)
- Janet Yoshida-Gordon
- Andrew Wilson (Prague, Czech Republic)
- Barbara Mccane (Chesapeake, VA)
- Millie (France)
- Hyunjee N. Kim (New York, NY)
- Joseph Wenzel
- Bryana Miller (Florida)
- Jt Haines (Minnesota)
- Mia Treinen (Tampa)
- Leah Schultz (Chicago)
- Benjamin Kügerl
- Christina Slabinski
- Freeda Cathcart (Roanoke, Virginia)
- Kealani Charbonneau (Lawrence, KS)
- Coral Kendall (Norfolk, VA)
- Kaitlyn Leblanc (Denver, CO)
- Jessica Gutierrez (Manhattan, Ks)
- Tracy Basile (New York)
- Kristina Naso (Brooklyn, NY)
- Lily Nwanesi
- Alina Dollat (Italy)
- Gabriel Diaz (La Puente, CA)
- Ashley-Ann Cooper (Florida)
- Lise Commeyras
- Josie Bedore
- Margaret Seiler (New York)
- Pat Miguel Tomaino (Boston, MA)
- Holley Alane White (New York)
- Sophie Stachl
- Ellen Walsh (New Jersey)
- Ember Z
- Jane Broendel (DC)
- Azure
- Elin Anderson (Connecticut)
- Amanda Camp (Monroe, GA)
- Cambria Smith (Nevada)
- Emily Davies
- Pepper Elvin (Edinburgh, UK)
- Allison Allender (Cleveland, OH)
- Sarah Tucker (Ohio)
- Gail
- Shelli Nelligan-Anderson
- Liesl Cole (Seattle, WA)
- Rhett
- Jessica Lopez (CT)
- Anthony Adame (Brooklyn)
- Austin Lindberg (West Hartford)
- Sloan Bukowski (Colorado)
- Shawna Anderson (New York, NY)
- Elysa Tulek
- Dale Stephenson (Maine—former Atlanta resident)
- Analeeze Quintanilla (Houston, TX)
- Mara Kapno
- Mayra Pantoja (Atlanta, GA)
- Laura Harvester (Tampa, FL)
- Kendall Potts
- Alex Levy
- Taté Garcia (San Diego, California)
- Xueyi Lu
- Ash Knight (Minneapolis, MN)
- Judith Peascoe (Vienna, WV)
- June Hill (Tallahassee, FL)
- Lois Klein (New York)
- Richard Spotts (Saint George, Utah)
- Isabelle (Ottawa, Canada)
- Khalid Johnson (Decatur, GA)
- Sophia Daniluk
- Santonja Julie
- Adria Tenisson (Ventura, Ca)
- David L
- Aaron Kenna
- Joseph Dipietro (San Diego, CA)
- Nancy Wallace Nelson (Mendocino, CA)
- Angela (California)
- Carol Deem (Pennsylvania)
- Carlisle Tang (Doreville, GA)
- Danica C Kubick (Maine)
- Rama Bharadwaj
- Lauren Falls (Connecticut)
- Hender Winer (Boston, MA)
- Ileana D Vasquez (Seattle, WA)
- Carolyn C (Wilmington, NC)
- Stacey Dillingham (Louisville, KY)
- Robin Templeton
- Brittanee Walker-Williams (Seattle, WA)
- Elena Chute (Pomona, California)
- Ruth (Chicago)
- Tanya Jisa (Carrboro, NC)
- Kevin Caron (Atlanta, GA)
- Linda Wing (USA)
- Kristin Swenson (Charlottesville, VA)
- Linda Soldan (Hartland, WI)
- Luca De Sanctis Barton (San Diego, CA)
- Joshua
- Jenna Colemire
- Brady Comenduley
- Regine Adrien (New York)
- Rebecca Borrer (Hudson, NY)
- Nathan (Virginia)
- Jesse Brown (Indianapolis, IN)
- Jessica Decker (San Diego, CA)
- Kat Lewis (Minneapolis, MN)
- Leigh Kimberg (San Francisco, CA)
- Darakshan Raja
- Catherine Mcivor
- Diana Lleras (Atlanta, GA)
- Clare Timmerman (Atlanta, GA)
- Ani (Portland, OR)
- Adrianne Micco (CA)
- Allison Kytta (Atlanta, GA)
- Boudicca Walsh (Rochester, NY)
- Keke Norment (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
- Mariana
- Steve Edwards (Ventura, CA)
- Jimmy Lovett Jr (San Diego, CA)
- Pamela K Jensen
- Elliot Tables (Atlanta, GA)
- Stephanie Insolia (Philadelphia, PA)
- Lake Best (Nashville, TN)
- Shayne Cytrynbaum
- Oliver Presson (Philadelphia, PA)
- Kiley Smith (Virginia)
- Gerald Hallead (Traverse City, Michigan)
- Monica Mishima
- Layla Weide
- Jenina Podulka (Jersey City, NJ)
- Ariana Decker
- Dan Dileva (Seattle, WA)
- Serena Wohlrab (Avondale Estates, GA)
- Marybeth Holleman (Anchorage, Alaska)
- Adam P Gottlieb (Chicago, IL)
- Kathryn Mullins
- Alex Gruber (Wisconsin)
- Andrew Pavlock (Punta Gorda)
- Kyla (Denver, CO)
- Ivy Borden (Tuscaloosa, AL)
- Sneh Modi (Edmonton, Canada)
- Emily
- Andrew Mcglashan (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
- Leah James (Massachusetts)
- Kim De La Cruz (Austin, TX)
- Eugenia Bukhman
- Sofia Adams (Brooklyn, New York)
- Anna Hepp (California)
- Vicki Tran (Ontario, Canada)
- Ilana Fischer (Atlanta, GA)
- Sandy Commons (Sacramento, CA)
- J (Midway City, California)
- Charlie Blue Brahm (Seattle, WA)
- Lulu Balbi (Sydney, Australia)
- Jamilet Soto
- Blue Guang
- Jesus Rabadan (Midway City, California)
- Bror Welander (Chicago, IL)
- Carolina
- Briana Moss (Dubuque, Iowa)
- Ellie (RI)
- Isabella Frederick (Seattle, WA)
- Heidi Tähtinen (Finland)
- Valerie
- Ericka (Minnesota)
- Ollie (US)
- Ryan Crowley (Maine)
- Joseph Fifer (Houghton, MI)
- John Abbott (Chicago, Il)
- Brenna Goldberg (Athens GA)
- Carole Womeldorf (Cincinnati, OH)
- Elias
- Lexanne Painter
- Ren Rodriguez (Canarsie Land)
- Laura Markstein (Rock Hill, SC)
- Jack (New York)
- Ashley Mang (Chattanooga, TN)
- Carrie West (PA)
- Faith Eshbaugh (Washington, DC)
- Rebecca Hadley (Brooklyn, NY)
- Cathleen Mari (Atlanta, GA)
- Mirian Amaya (Providence, RI)
- Megan (Athens, Georgia)
- Kelsie Herzer (Arizona)
- Aly Bryson (Seattle, WA)
- Matthew Maloney (Saugerties, NY)
- Katherine Kushin (Philadelphia, PA)
- Ann Gauthier (Decatur, Georgia)
- Sol (Raleigh, NC)
- Susan Meeker-Lowry (Delanson, NY)
- Luke D (Atlanta, GA)
- Jamie Jones (East Point, GA)
- Alex Marterre (Oakland, CA)
- Quinn Ava Singer
- Kylie Fuller
- Juan Verala Luz (Northern California)
- Amity (Detroit, MI)
- Danielle
- Pia Müller (Grafenwöhr, Germany)
- Jaci Christenson (White Bear Lake, MN)
- Reneeb (Maryland)
- Nicholas Sammond (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
- Naamah J.
- Mallory Decker (Issaquah)
- Jethro Heiko (Philadelphia, PA)
- Kaitlin Greer (KY)
- Melissa Deorazio (Alabama)
- Lukas Schwab
- Zoe Edington
- Liza Berngartt
- Christina (New York)
- Samantha Humphrey (California)
- E R Perez
- Ryen W
- Sylvia M.
- Siobhan Mitchell (San Francisco Bay Area, CA)
- Lee Schureck (Marietta, GA)
- Lauren Kessler (Illinois)
- Natalie (Cleveland, OH)
- Ashley Mackenzie (Michigan)
- Taylor Jackson
- Mckenna Lohr (Lawrence, KS)
- Sydney Bogan (Fort Worth, Texas)
- Danett Abbott-Wicker (Orange, CA)
- Mr. Tyler Putnam
- Raven Hoopes (California)
- Rosemarie Pace
- Laurelyn Veatch (Plainfield, Vermont)
- Amanda Silver
- Cathy Cowan Becker (Columbus, OH)
- William Brownlee (Ellensburg, WA)
- Erin Milionis (Nashville, TN)
- Shirley Cason Jenkins (Durham, NC but born and raised in Atlanta, GA)
- Sophie Guthrie
- Rev. Dexter Kearny
- Ilana W (San Jose, CA)
- Rebecca Williams (New York City, NY)
- Jeff Stack (Columbia, MO)
- Marvin Roman (Mountain Center, CA)
- Anna Minsky (Oakland, CA)