This year, contributors to our recent zine Self as Other: Reflections on Self-Care will present on the revolutionary potential of care in a series of speaking events. The first round of these include:
January 10 - 7:00pm at Fellowship Hall, Durham, NC
January 11 - 7:30pm at Red Emma’s, Baltimore, MD [Download Flyer]
January 12 - 7:00pm at the Flying Brick Library, Richmond, VA [Download Flyer]
If you are interested in setting up an event, email rollingthunder@crimethinc.com.
Beyond Self-Care: The Subversive Potential of Care
In activist circles and beyond, it has become commonplace to speak of self-care, taking for granted that the meaning of this expression is self-evident. But “self” and “care” are not static or monolithic; nor is “health.” How has this discourse been colonized by capitalist values? Contributors to the recent zine Self as Other: Reflections on Self-Care will present on the political dimensions of care, illuminating how it can serve oppressive or revolutionary purposes. Taking the self as an object of political struggle, this discussion will ask how health and resistance are linked, and what forms of care might be be able to subvert systems of power.