Anarchism ain’t what it used to be … if you search iTunes or Youtube these days, you’ll find defenders of capitalism and private property claiming the A word more than ever. In our 18th installment of the Ex-Worker, our twice monthly podcast, we kick off a two episode series discussing what anarchism isn’t, as Clara and Alanis step in to debunk anarcho-capitalism. Surveying the range of libertarian ideologies in the US, we assess the similarities and differences between these opponents of the state and anti-capitalist anarchists, while clarifying how their free market fantasies fall short of a genuinely anarchist vision of freedom. Our critiques of private property and the free market conclude with a hilarious interview with an anarchist graphic designer about their misadventures laying out a book on “market anarchism.” We also hear from recently released grand jury resister Jerry Koch about the insight he’s gained into the importance of prisoner solidarity to anarchist struggle, while his lawyer explains how grand juries are used as tools of political repression and how we can resist them. Listeners offer corrections, suggestions, and updates on prisoner struggles, while plenty of news updates and announcements round out our longest episode yet!
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