“The Only Immigrant Trying to Steal My Job Is Elon Musk” : A Bus Driver’s Perspective on Elon Musk’s Austerity Measures 2025-02-24 Categories: From the Trenches Tags: elon musk donald trump austerity public transit fascism
Ecuador: General Strike, Take Two : Two and a Half Years Later, Another Uprising Shakes the Country 2022-06-29 Categories: Current Events Tags: Ecuador austerity Indigenous resistance Uprising general strike
Iran: “There Is an Infinite Amount of Hope… but Not for Us” : An Interview Discussing the Pandemic, Economic Crisis, Repression, and Resistance in Iran 2020-10-08 Categories: Analysis Current Events History Tags: protest resistance capitalism austerity Iran pandemic COVID-19
Le Soulèvement en Équateur : au sein de la Commune de Quito : Un entretien depuis les lignes de front 2019-10-14 Categories: Current Events Tags: Ecuador austerity Indigenous resistance